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20060104: McIDAS - Computation of CAPE and EL within Mcidas

>From: "Frederick Mosher" <address@hidden>
>Organization: ERAU
>Keywords: 200601042006.k04K6OMY020992 McIDAS CAPE EL

Hi Fred,

>Institution: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univeristy
>Package Version: 2005
>Operating System: Linux
>Hardware Information: Dell

>Inquiry: I would like to compare Mcidas IR cloud top temperatures with
>model Equilibrium Level and CAPE values.  Is there a way to compute
>vertical grid parcel products such as CAPE and EL within Mcidas?

Not easily, no.  I imagine that you could use the GRD* applications to
calculate the pieces of CAPE equations between model levels.  There is
no direct calculation of CAPE like there is for divergence (DVG),
vorticity (VOR), etc.

By the way, did you ever get to the point of creating a series
of products using the high resolution imagery from unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu?
We had a brief exchange some time ago that you might be willing
to give others in the Unidata community access to your handiwork.


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