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20051220: GOES-9 or MTSat ADDE Server?

>From:  Greg Stossmeister <address@hidden>
>Organization:  NCAR/EOL
>Keywords:  200512201648.jBKGmJ7s008792 McIDAS ADDE MTSAT

Hi Greg,

>Just a quick question - Are there any publicly available ADDE servers 
>that provide GOES-9 or MTSat data? I didn't see anything obvious in your 
>website documentation.

Yes.  The Unidata McIDAS-X v2005b release includes MCGUI configuration
for the PUB ADDE dataset hosted at NOAA/SATEPS.  PUB contains the
following imagery:

GOES-East - full disk and Northern Hemisphere imager (all bands)
GOES-West - full disk and Northern Hemisphere imager (all bands)
METEOSAT7 - 6-hour (non restricted) full disk (three bands)
MTSAT     - full disk and Northern Hemisphere (5 bands)

GOES-East/West sounder imagery is also available in PUB, but I have not
added support to the MCGUI for these multibanded images (yet).

The ADDE server for PUB is GP16.SSD.NESDIS.NOAA.GOV.


No worries.



>From address@hidden  Tue Dec 20 10:40:48 2005

   Thanks very much!

Merry Christmas to you and yours,

Greg Stossmeister                      e-mail: address@hidden
NCAR/EOL                               phone: (303)497-8692
P.O. Box 3000                          web: http://www.eol.ucar.edu
Boulder, CO 80307-3000