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20050302: McIDAS problem (cont.)

>From: unidata <address@hidden>
>Organization: NMSU/NSBF
>Keywords: 200503011553.j21FrBv2001180 McIDAS-XCD configuration

Hi John,

>Thanks for responding.

No worries.

>I followed your instructions with a couple of exceptions.
>In step 6, the make all and make install.all wouldn't work as you
>indicated, but when I used: make all VENDER=-g77 as indicated on the
>unidata McIDAS web page instructions, it ran fine with no errors.  I am
>including this comment in case that might affect the out come.

Hmm...  The default set of compilers for Linux in the v2004 distribution
is gcc/g77.  Given this, one should not have to add the VENDOR=-g77
flag to 'make all'.  Adding it, however does no harm, so I won't
dwell on it here.

>> 7) build and install the McIDAS-X and -XCD components of the distribution:
>> <as 'mcidas'>
>> cd mcidas2004/src
>> make all
>> make install.all
>The stoping point was in step 11.  The XCDDEC,BAT would not run.  I
>have included the error message (see attached file, xcddec.out) and the
>directory listing, workdata.out.

batch.k: Error reading file /home/mcidas/mcidas/data/XCDDEC.BAT
batch.k: BATCH done /home/mcidas/mcidas/data/XCDDEC.BAT

OK, this tells me that one or two things could be wrong:

1) your MCPATH setting is incorrect.  For reference, it should look like:


   setting MCPATH like this will insure that McIDAS searches the
   MCDATA directory (i.e., /home/mcidas/workdata), followed by
   $MCHOME/data (i.e., /home/mcidas/data), and finally followed by
   $MCHOME/help (i.e., /home/mcidas/help).  This search is guaranteed
   _unless_ it is overridden by a file REDIRECTion for particular batch
   files (e.g., XCDDEC.BAT /home/mcidas/data) or BATCH files in general
   (e.g., *.BAT /home/mcidas/data).  If you do have a file REDIRECTion
   in place look at 2)

2) you have a file REDIRECTion for a XCDDEC.BAT or for all BATCH files.
   To check this out, please send me the output of:

<as 'mcidas'>
cd ~mcidas/workdata
redirect.k LIST

>I was surprised to note that XCD.BAT
>was missing from the directory listing-- ~mcidas/workdata -- and that
>XCD.BAT was in ~mcidas/data.

XCD.BAT gets installed in ~mcidas/data; XCDDEC.BAT gets installed in
~mcidas/workdata.  This is because XCD.BAT actions can be used by
folks not running XCD decoders, but XCDDEC.BAT can not.  If the
MCPATH is defined correctly, these files will be found transparently
by McIDAS routines _unless_ overridden by a file REDIRECTion.

>It appeared to have run ok, giving a long
>run of REDIRECT outputs, and indicated that it ran ok.   I recall that
>last time I located XCDDEC.BAT and copied it to the ~mcidas/data
>directory just like the XCD.BAT file and it ran just fine from
>~mcidas/workdata.  I didn't try it this time, instead waiting for your

It sounds like you have a file REDIRECTion in place that tells McIDAS
to find all BATCH files in the ~mcidas/data directory.  I would bet
that you do not need this REDIRECTion rule, so deleting should not
hurt anything:

<as 'mcidas'>
cd ~mcidas/workdata
redirect.k DEL \*.BAT               <- if you have a general REDIRECTion for
                                       BATCH files

The proof of you McIDAS install being able to find the XCD.BAT and
XCDDEC.BAT files is using the DMAP command:

<as 'mcidas'>
cd ~mcidas/workdata
dmap.k XCD.BAT                      <- should be found in ~mcidas/data
dmap.k XCDDEC.BAT                   <- should be found in ~mcidas/workdata

>> 11) run the McIDAS BATCH files that create needed output files for
>>     XCD to work:
>> <as 'mcidas'>
>> cd ~mcidas/workdata
>> batch.k XCD.BAT
>> batch.k XCDDEC.BAT                  <- this should create CIRCUIT.DAT and
>>                                        other files needed by XCD processes.
>>                                        If it doesn't, stop here and let
>>                                        me know the contents of your 
>>                                        ~mcidas/workdata directory.  A
>>                                        long listing would be most useful:
>>                                        <as 'mcidas'>
>>                                        id
>>                                        cd ~mcidas/workdata

>For the record, prior to reinstalling the new version this time, I went
>back and removed all the files/subdirectories in the mcidas directory,
>deleted the user (as well as mcadde) and recreated those accounts.

Ouch!  There was no need to do this, but it shouldn't hurt if the
accounts were created correctly after removing them.

>accounts on this system (except for root and the apache program) are
>members of the same group, "users",   The system is running RH9 Linux.

Hmm... So, if you completely removed the 'mcidas' directory tree
and then created the account anew and remade the directories, your
installation should be pristeen.  In this case -- unless you added
a REDIRECTion for BATCH files -- your system should have been able
to find both XCD.BAT and XCDDEC.BAT by virtue of your MCPATH
setting.  If it did not, it means that there is a problem with
that setting.

Please send me the output of:

<as 'mcidas'>
echo $MCHOME
echo $MCDATA
echo $MCPATH

>Again, thanks for your help and support.

No worries.  You should be up and running very soon now.


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