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20050209: Mcidas route question.

>From: Mark Tucker <address@hidden>
>Organization: Lyndon State
>Keywords: 200502091707.j19H7wv2015748

Hi Mark,

I was looking through the support email inbox and I found the following
question from you.  I thought that I had answered this, but I can not
find the answer in the McIDAS archives.  Please forgive me if I have
either answered this previously or if you never got the original reply.
If you did get a reply earlier, did your problem get resolved?

>We have several mcidas routing entries for composite products that seem 
>to be flagged as suspended (N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 CI CV CW).  The rest 
>of our mcidas routing appears to be working well.  I have tried to 
>enable these with "ROUTE REL N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 CI CV CW" but when 
>I run ROUTE LIST, they are still flagged as suspended.  What am I 
>missing here?

I would guess that the copy of ROUTE.SYS you are trying to modify does
not have read/write permission for the user you are trying the modification
as.  Please verify two things:

- use 'DMAP ROUTE.SYS' to make sure that you are pointing at the copy
  of ROUTE.SYS that will be used by ldm-mcidas decoders

- you have write permission for that copy of ROUTE.SYS

The ROUTE invocation you were using is correct.  If the file was writable,
you should have modified the table successfully.

>I searched the support archives and didn't find anything 
>there that was helpful so I assume that I'm missing something obvious. 
>The output from the mcidas commands are listed below:

>route.k LIST:
>S Pd         Description         Range       Last      Received  Post Process C
>- -- ------------------------- --------- ------------ ---------- ------------ -
>  CH SH Wildfire ABBA          1200-1209 AREA1203     05038 1836 WFABBA.BAT   3
>s CI GOES-E/W IR Composite       80-89       none        none none     3
>s CV GOES-E/W VIS Composite      90-99       none        none none     3
>s CW GOES-E/W H2O Composite      70-79       none        none none     3
>  LD NLDN Lightning Flashes      71-71   MDXX0078     05038 1812 none     3
>  M1 WETNET TEST IMAGE         1400-1409     none        none none     3
>s MA Surface MD data            default      none        none SFC.BAT       3
>s N1 GOES-East IR/TOPO Composi  220-229      none        none none     3
>s N2 GOES-East VIS/TOPO Compos  230-239      none        none none     3
>s N3 GOES-West IR/TOPO Composi  240-249      none        none none     3
>s N4 GOES-West VIS/TOPO Compos  250-259      none        none none     3
>s N5 MDR/TOPO Composite         260-269      none        none none     3
>s N6 Mollweide IR/TOPO Composi  270-279      none        none none     3
>s N7 GOES-E/W IR/TOPO Composit  280-289      none        none none     3
>s N8 GOES-E/W VIS/TOPO Composi  290-299      none        none none     3
>  NF Global Initialization Gri  101-102      none        none GLOBAL.BAT   3
>  NG Early Domestic Products      1-2        none        none ADDGRID.BAT  3
>route.k REL N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 CI CV CW
>S Pd         Description         Range       Last      Received  Post Process C
>- -- ------------------------- --------- ------------ ---------- ------------ -
>   N1 GOES-East IR/TOPO Composi  220-229      none        none none     3
>   N2 GOES-East VIS/TOPO Compos  230-239      none        none none     3
>   N3 GOES-West IR/TOPO Composi  240-249      none        none none     3
>   N4 GOES-West VIS/TOPO Compos  250-259      none        none none     3
>   N5 MDR/TOPO Composite         260-269      none        none none     3
>   N6 Mollweide IR/TOPO Composi  270-279      none        none none     3
>   N7 GOES-E/W IR/TOPO Composit  280-289      none        none none     3
>   N8 GOES-E/W VIS/TOPO Composi  290-299      none        none none     3
>   CI GOES-E/W IR Composite       80-89       none        none none     3
>   CV GOES-E/W VIS Composite      90-99       none        none none     3
>   CW GOES-E/W H2O Composite      70-79       none        none none     3
>route.k: Done

>route.k LIST
>S Pd         Description         Range       Last      Received  Post Process C
>- -- ------------------------- --------- ------------ ---------- ------------ -
>  CH SH Wildfire ABBA          1200-1209 AREA1203     05038 1836 WFABBA.BAT   3
>s CI GOES-E/W IR Composite       80-89       none        none none     3
>s CV GOES-E/W VIS Composite      90-99       none        none none     3
>s CW GOES-E/W H2O Composite      70-79       none        none none     3
>  LD NLDN Lightning Flashes      71-71   MDXX0078     05038 1812 none  3
>  M1 WETNET TEST IMAGE         1400-1409     none        none none     3
>s MA Surface MD data            default      none        none SFC.BAT  3
>s N1 GOES-East IR/TOPO Composi  220-229      none        none none     3
>s N2 GOES-East VIS/TOPO Compos  230-239      none        none none     3
>s N3 GOES-West IR/TOPO Composi  240-249      none        none none     3
>s N4 GOES-West VIS/TOPO Compos  250-259      none        none none     3
>s N5 MDR/TOPO Composite         260-269      none        none none     3
>s N6 Mollweide IR/TOPO Composi  270-279      none        none none     3
>s N7 GOES-E/W IR/TOPO Composit  280-289      none        none none     3
>s N8 GOES-E/W VIS/TOPO Composi  290-299      none        none none     3
>  NF Global Initialization Gri  101-102      none        none GLOBAL.BAT   3
>  NG Early Domestic Products      1-2        none        none ADDGRID.BAT  3

>Mark Tucker
>Meteorology Dept. Systems Administrator
>Lyndon State College


NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the
Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available
through the web.  If you do not want to have your interactions made
available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.

>From address@hidden  Wed Mar  2 10:42:33 2005

> The ROUTE invocation you were using is correct.  If the file was 
> writable,
> you should have modified the table successfully.

It was a permissions/group problem.   That should have been obvious but 
I didn't catch it for some reason.  Thanks for the help.

Mark Tucker
Meteorology Dept. Systems Administrator
Lyndon State College