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20031124: Unidata McIDAS-X Version 2003 under Fedora at NIU (cont.)

>From: Gilbert Sebenste <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200311241913.hAOJDtEH002777 McIDAS-X MCGUI RTPTSRC


>From address@hidden Mon Nov 24 15:30:17 2003

re: plot/contour out of MCGUI

>I bring up the plot/contour menu, it crashes before I can do anything. It 
>just hangs the moment I bring the menu up.

>From address@hidden Mon Nov 24 15:31:10 2003

>SAO/Metar Plots/Contours menu, sorry. I just did it now and it is hung 
>hard on weather2.

>Now for some reason, it "unhung" after a minute and started working. I 
>tried to bring up a surface plot of Illinois. Took forever to do. Then I 
>asked it to use adde.ucar.edu for the data. Bam. Came up instantly.

I just logged onto weather2 and listed out where a McIDAS session
will try to get data:

cd ~mcidas/workdata
dataloc.k LIST

Group Name                    Server IP Address
--------------------         ----------------------------------------
AMRC                         UWAMRC.SSEC.WISC.EDU
BLIZZARD                     ADDE.UCAR.EDU
CIMSS                        ADDE.UCAR.EDU
GINICOMP                     ADDE.UCAR.EDU
GINIEAST                     ADDE.UCAR.EDU
GINIWEST                     ADDE.UCAR.EDU
GOESEAST                     <LOCAL-DATA>
ME7                          IO.SCA.UQAM.CA
MYDATA                       <LOCAL-DATA>
NOWRAD                       <LOCAL-DATA>
RTGINI                       ADDE.UCAR.EDU
RTGRIDS                      ADDE.UCAR.EDU
RTIMAGES                     ADDE.UCAR.EDU
RTNEXRAD                     ADDE.UCAR.EDU
RTNIDS                       <LOCAL-DATA>
RTPTSRC                      WEATHER2.ADMIN.NIU.EDU
TOPO                         <LOCAL-DATA>

<LOCAL-DATA> indicates that data will be accessed from the local data directory.
DATALOC -- done

This says that it will try to do SAO/METAR plots/contours from data requested
from the remote ADDE server on weather2:

RTPTSRC                      WEATHER2.ADMIN.NIU.EDU

So, the first thing I looked at was whether or not the remote server
was still setup on weather2:

> ls /etc/xinetd.d
ls: unparsable value for LS_COLORS environment variable
chargen      daytime      echo      imaps  ktalk  services  time
chargen-udp  daytime-udp  echo-udp  ipop2  pop3s  sgi_fam   time-udp
cups-lpd*    dbskkd-cdb   imap      ipop3  rsync  swat

Since I don't see any McIDAS ADDE setup files in the /etc/xinetd.d directory,
I conclude that the ADDE remote server is no longer setup there.

You have two options here:

1) resetup the ADDE remote server on weather2

2) point at weather3 for ADDE datasets that it is hosting

The first question I have for you is why you are running McIDAS decoding
on more than one machine in your shop?  It seems to me to be a waste
of resources.  Since weather3 is now setup to decode all McIDAS data
including GRID, I would simply point at it for your McIDAS data needs:

dataloc.k ADD RTPTSRC weather3.admin.niu.edu

I just did this on weather2, and it works nicely.  Given this, I pointed
weather2 at weather3 for all of the ADDE datasets that it has:

dataloc.k ADD CIMSS weather3.admin.niu.edu
dataloc.k ADD NEXRCOMP weather3.admin.niu.edu
dataloc.k ADD RTGRIDS weather3.admin.niu.edu
dataloc.k ADD RTIMAGES weather3.admin.niu.edu
dataloc.k ADD RTNEXRAD weather3.admin.niu.edu
dataloc.k ADD RTWXTEXT weather3.admin.niu.edu

Given this, and given that decoding is working nicely on weather3, I
would shut off decoding (at least McIDAS decoding) on weather2.  But,
that is just me...

Got to run...
