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20031008: McIDAS Installiation and configuration at ULM (cont.)

>From: address@hidden
>Organization: ULM
>Keywords:  200310011647.h91Gl8k1011698 McIDAS LDM GEMPAK

Hi Adam,

>Just seeing whats up.  Haven't heard from you guys in a couple of days.

I forwarded the cyclone login information to Chiz yesterday so he could
get on and look at/tune up your GEMPAK installation.  The McIDAS stuff
is pretty much done except for making sure that data scouring is
working correctly (it is not completely setup yet).

Things have not been going as fast as I would have liked them to due to
committee meetings two weeks in a row; preparation for the upcoming
training workhops; writing AMS papers; and several fires that had to be
put out.

As I promised earlier, we will send you a report on what we did when
it is all finished.

Sorry for not being able to respond sooner...

