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20030910: GOES-11 IHOP 6/12 data (cont.)
- Subject: 20030910: GOES-11 IHOP 6/12 data (cont.)
- Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 13:41:28 -0600
>From: Christina Hannon <address@hidden>
>Organization: Penn State University
>Keywords: 200309101533.h8AFXjLd024139 McIDAS AREA Vis5D
Hi Christina,
re: access to IHOP VIS image
>I put one of my image files online at
OK, got it. I am able to display the image in a McIDAS v2003 session
running either the SSEC GUI, or the Unidata GUI, MCGUI, with no
problems under both RedHat 9.0 Linux and Sun Solaris SPARC 5.9. I
suspect that it will work under other OSes as well.
re: describe the problems you have been having with McIDAS
>The problem that I'm having with McIDAS that no one else seems to have
>is getting the data to display in a GUI. The computers in our dept. were
>upgraded to RedHat 9.0 and since then I haven't been able to use McIDAS.
The first question is if the McIDAS image window can be seen on the
screen? The most common problem I have seen with McIDAS users on Linux
(any version of Linux) is in trying to use KDE instead of Gnome. For
some reason (and this has never been understood), the McIDAS image
window does not materialize when running in KDE -- for some machines --.
have personally setup a lab of 24 supposedly identical Linux
machines running KDE on which the McIDAS image window would work on
some and not on others. The easiest way around this was to use the
Gnome envionrment.
Does your failure fit the scenario above (i.e., are you using KDE and not
Gnome)? If not, a little more information might help us to figure out
what is going wrong. For instance, when you try to display the image,
do you get any error messages? Also, which McIDAS GUI are you using
(GUI versys MCGUI)?
> The images files are being read and I can list them, but nothing I do
>to display them works. My officemate is also using McIDAS and she
>doesn't have any problems.
Is it possible that she is using Gnome while you are using KDE?
>I was wondering if I have/don't have a hidden file that I should.
This is probably not be the case, but there is a remote possibility
that a configuration file for the GUI (not MCGUI) needs to be deleted
and recreated.
>No one in the dept uses McIDAS so they can't help me
>out. I had a mclite version installed on my computer and that version
>is no longer working either.
The failure of mclite may well be due to the same problem as the GUI
you are trying to use.
Let's first get to the bottom of why your McIDAS session is not working
and worry about Vis5D afterwards. I say this since my Vis5D build bombed
and I have not yet had the time to figure out what is going on and fix it.
>From address@hidden Wed Sep 10 14:00:25 2003
My problem was I was trying to run in in KDE.
Before I was in Gnome and knew I couldn't use KDE, but forgot.
The answer seem so simple in hindsight