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20021205: Unidata gribdec.tar.Z bundle (cont.)

>From: "HOETH, BRIAN R. (JSC-ZS) (LM)" <address@hidden>
>Organization: JSFC
>Keywords: 200211192250.gAJMoQ427093 McIDAS gribdec gbtbpds001.bv1


>Thanks again!

No worries.

>Couple more things:
>(1) I made a minor mod to Mcgribdecoder.c in the grib_dec_is function.  I
>had to compare t_value to GB_MAX_BDS_LEN instead of GB_MAX_MSG_LEN or else
>some of the 12km ETA GRIB records would not decode?  I've attached my
>version if you're interested?

Your version was not attached.  I took a look at Mcgribdecoder.c and
see that GB_MAX_MSG_LEN is defined to be smaller than GB_MAX_BDS_LEN
which does not appear to make sense as GB_MAX_MSG_LEN is supposed to be
"maximum length of the full GRIB message".  Without having really
thought about the ramifications, the fix would seem to be to alter
GB_MAX_MSG_LEN in grib.h to be as large or larger than any of the
portions of the grib message and then rebuild the decoder.

>(2) I am noticing that using GRDDISP with the GFS

GFS ??? what is this?

>has lots of bugs for
>regions that are not over the US?  I believe it has something to do with
>something you had mentioned about not plotting over the International Date
>Line because when I do a MAP WORL and then plot the 500mb wind barbs, all
>the barbs line up on the International Date Line?

I can't comment without knowing what GFS is.  Your comment sounds like
what I was driving at.  If you let GRDDISP plot the map for the full
grid, then displays look correct.  If you try to overlay on top of a
display that you choose, things don't work correctly.  The question of
what is wrong boils down to the McIDAS notion of the Longitude extent
possibilities for grids.  The last thing I sent you was a suggestion to
set the UL and LR Lat,Lon points for grids 2, 3, and 4 so that the
lower right point is at -360.  This may fly in the face of preconceived
notions in McIDAS for possible grid Lat,Lon extents.  I will have to
touch base with Dave Santek on this one.  The one thing that I really
don't want to do is have to reformat the grid so that its Lat,Lon
extents lie between 90,180 and -90,-180.  This would be a lot of work
for the grib decoder especially if it is to be used in XCD.  This may,
however, be the "real" solution to the problems we are seeing with

>If I try plotting the
>500mb wind barbs over a satellite image over Europe, I get the following
>Invalid Maximum Longitude
>2nd Longitude= argument is too small --> -359:0:0
>Must be valid 'Maximum Longitude' lat/lon within range +/- 1800000
>Failed to draw map .... ending program

Same problem as I allude to above.

>Any ideas on how to reconcile this?

See above.

>Like I said before, perhaps an inquiry
>to SSEC would be in order?

A contact with Dave Santek is most likely the first place to start.
I will try calling him soon.

>I think I saw that McIDAS 2002 addressed
>something about the International Date Line?

Different problem.
