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20021113: fkey menu problem running UACROSS (cont.)

>From: "Fingerhut, William A" <address@hidden>
>Organization: Lyndon State
>Keywords: 200210291605.g9TG5tX06392 McIDAS Fkey cross-sections


>I'm sorry about this, but I see another strange result.
>I used the fkey menu to create a vertical cross section of dewpoint from
>upper air data. In the text window, a UACROSS command is generated with
>PARM=TD; a cross section is displayed; but, it is labeled at the bottom
>as THA (K) POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE. The data look like THA; they increase
>with height. ???

The problem turned out to be a typo.  The UACROSS keyword for parameter
is PARam (PAR=, PARA=, or PARAM=), not PARm.  I corrected this in
xsection.gui and stuck a new copy out in the pub/mcidas/src/7.8 directory
of anonymous FTP for you to grab.

FYI, the reason that THA is plotted is that THA is the default parameter.
