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20021108: McIDAS 7.8/2002 Fkey menu problem (cont.)

>From: "Fingerhut, William A" <address@hidden>
>Organization: Lyndon State
>Keywords: 200210291605.g9TG5tX06392 McIDAS Fkey


>Okay -- last fkey menu problem.


>When displaying radar data:
>from the main menu: F2, F1, 
>user defined load: SF10, F1 brings up the NIDS Image Loads
>gui. When LILI was approaching New Orleans, I selected
>ID LCH; set the Load center to 32 90; and LIN blowup to 2. 
>Click on load and the data is displayed fine. The error is
>that the Load center changes from what I had entered. This
>is pretty minor, but not right.

I can't quite remember why this was added, but you are definitely
correct: the resetting of the load denter action is wrong.

>If I wanted to try various
>blowups to find the best display, I would have to notice and
>change the load center back each time.

I understand.  This is exactly how the MCGUI load works.

>I wasn't going to bother you with this one until the other
>menu problems arose. Then, I thought we might take care of 
>the whole thing.

Done.  A newly modified version of imagloop.gui can be found in
the pub/mcidas/src directory of anonymous FTP on our FTP server,

>Today was Stevens last day, so next week could be more fun 
>than this week. I'll try to ftp those files in a few days.

Now, you have three to grab: bkgmap.gui, xsection.gui, and imagloop.gui.
