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20020325: updating McIDAS and installing the ADDE remote server

>From:  Chris Herbster <address@hidden>
>Organization:  Embry-Riddle University
>Keywords:  200203251603.g2PG36a11520 McIDAS ADDE LDM


>The LDM server is supercell.db.erau.edu which has address
>We do run SSH2, and encourage you to use that.  (X-tunneling is enabled
>by default.)

I finally got some time to jump onto supercell and setup things up.

What I did in a nutshell is:

On the McIDAS side:

o update your McIDAS installation to the latest bugfix release, 7.805

o setup XCD decoding of data into McIDAS compatible formats; I put
  all of the XCD decoded data in /mnt/wxdata1/mcidas

o setup the ADDE remote server: this entailed:

  o adding ADDE entries to /etc/services
  o adding an entry to /etc/hosts.allow for mcservsh
  o editing /etc/xinetd.d/mcserv and /etc/xinetd.d/mccompress
  o totally replacing ~mcidas/.mcenv with the Bourne shell entries
    that were needed
  o turned on logging of ADDE transactions to supercell.  These
    may be reviewed by doing the following as 'mcidas':

    cd ~mcidas/workdata

On the LDM side:

o copy ldm-mcidas decoders to the ~ldm/decoders directory.  I realize
  that you were using pnga2area from ~ldm/ldm-mcidas-7.6.4/bin, but
  copying the decoders to ~ldm/decoders will avoid some potential
  worries in the future

o copy the XCD supervisory routine management script, xcd_run, to
  ~ldm/decoders; edit the script to set internal variables to match
  your McIDAS installation

o copy the McIDAS data scouring script, mcscour.sh, to
  ~ldm/decoders; edit the script to set internal variables to match
  your McIDAS installation

o copy the McIDAS BATCH script, batch.k, to
  ~ldm/decoders; edit the script to set internal variables to match
  your McIDAS installation.  This is used for compositing MCIDAS
  imagery upon receipt at supercell

o add the XCD entry in ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf: 'exec "xcd_run MONITOR"'

o added XCD decoding actions to ~ldm/etc/pqact.conf

o added some additional actions to ~ldm/etc/pqact.conf for decoding
  of data into McIDAS formats

o added scouring of McIDAS products.  I did this by editing the LDM
  cron file directly.  While at this, I added rotation of the ldm-mcidas
  log files and rotation of the ADDE server log files.

  NOTE:  the cron file entry for 'ldm' says:

# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (/tmp/crontab.20792 installed on Tue Apr  9 19:29:26 2002)
# (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)

  If this is to be believed, then you should replicate the actions
  I added to the master and do the reinstall (I couldn't figure this
  one out :-()

Now, I didn't see any 'ldm' (or 'gempak' or 'root') cron entries for
scouring data files.  It seems to me that there may not be anything
doing the needed scouring since I see that there are NEXRAD imagery in
~ldm/data/gempak/images/nexrad/Floater_NIDS that are old.

Just how is data being scoured?  If it isn't, how come your disk has
not filled to capacity?

As I write this, data is flowing in and being decoded in McIDAS land.
I can look at the data through your remote ADDE server while 'mcidas'
on supercell.  I can't do this from a session here at Unidata, so
I suspect that port 500 and 503 traffic is being blocked by a firewall
at ERAU.  True?  It might be a good idea to open this up so that the
other Embry-Riddle site can access your machine.

Please let me know about the data scouring and cron issues.

* Tom Yoksas                                             UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                                  P.O. Box 3000 *
* address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service                             http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*