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20011022: upgrade from 7.7 to 7.8 causing problems

>From: "Craddock, Mary Ellen" <address@hidden>
>Organization: TASC
>Keywords: 200110221732.f9MHW7119481 McIDAS-X 7.8

Mary Ellen,

>       Hi...good to see you last week and hope you had an easy trip home.

The entire week would have been great if I had not been sick!

>Our system administrator built and installed Unidata Mcidas7.8 when I got
>back and one of our software packages is breaking as a result. First, let me
>tell you that we are still processing imagery and remapping the GOES imagery
>into a fixed lat/lon grid using the new version without any problem.

OK.  Can you then look at the remapped images using McIDAS-X 7.8 routines

>However, the software that reads the remapped imagery and operates on it is
>the problem.  The software uses the following mcidas function prototypes:
>       extern void readd_      *
>       extern void araopt_     *
>       extern void redara_     *
>       extern void clsara_
>       extern int nvset_
>       extern int nv1sae_
>       extern int opnara_        *

These entry points did not change between 7.7 and 7.8.

>I see in the release notes that for the above (asteriked) prototypes, the
>calls to the subroutine abort have been changed to mcabort.  However,
>version 7.7 already had that change.

Right again.

>I believe we are opening the area file
>correctly as diagnostics indicate the correct number of lines and elements
>and lat/lon range. However, when reading the band data (channels 1-5) I am
>not getting any info.  Any ideas?

What does an IMGLIST show for the remapped image?  Does it indicate
that the image is multibanded?  Also, can IMGDISP display any one of
the bands?  Perhaps the band information word (1-based word 19) in the
AREA file header is not being written out correctly.

>I have since recompiled the software to use the old 7.7 library until I can
>resolve the problem with 7.7.

Can you give me any more clues as to what you see?


>From address@hidden Tue Oct 23 07:20:02 2001
>To: "'address@hidden'" <address@hidden>
>Cc: "'address@hidden'" <address@hidden>,
>   "'address@hidden'" <address@hidden>
>Subject: remap2.pgm with mcidas version 7.7 and 7.8

        We upgraded to Unidata mcidas7.8 this week (since we are running on
dec alphas) and have been having problems reading our remapped AREA files. I
emailed Tom Yoksas yesterday thinking it may be a problem with the modified
mcidas function prototypes (e.g., redara_, readd_). Tom noted that these
prototypes were upgraded in v7.7 so he asked me to check into the imagery
(i.e., can you use IMGDISP, IMGPROBE, IMGLIST on the imagery).  I was able
to do this but the key here is that the version of remap2.pgm that we use to
remap the raw GOES imagery was compiled with mcidas7.6.  I recompiled
remap2.pgm with mcidas7.7 and mcidas7.8. In both cases, remap2.k runs and
creates the correct file size but when viewing the imagery (all bands) all
values are 0.  So, it now looks like the problem originates when upgrading
from v7.6 to v7.7.  On a side note, I have a note that we modified
remap2.pgm when we upgraded to v7.6 per your instruction to fix the county
map navigation problem.  Can you compile remap2.pgm and run successfully
with v7.7 and v7.8? 

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Mary Ellen

Mary Ellen Craddock
Northrop Grumman Information Technology, TASC
4801 Stonecroft Boulevard
Chantilly, VA 20151
(703) 633-8300 x4022

>From address@hidden Tue Oct 23 09:04:14 2001
>To: "Craddock, Mary Ellen" <address@hidden>
>CC: "'address@hidden'" <address@hidden>,
>   "'address@hidden'" <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: remap2.pgm with mcidas version 7.7 and 7.8

Hi Mary Ellen,

"Craddock, Mary Ellen" wrote:

> Dave,

>  I recompiled
> remap2.pgm with mcidas7.7 and mcidas7.8. In both cases, remap2.k runs and
> creates the correct file size but when viewing the imagery (all bands) all
> values are 0.

Try using ADUMP to list out the data file. A number of things can go wrong
that will result in zeros on the screen.

> So, it now looks like the problem originates when upgrading
> from v7.6 to v7.7.  On a side note, I have a note that we modified
> remap2.pgm when we upgraded to v7.6 per your instruction to fix the county
> map navigation problem.

Refresh my memory on what that change was.

> Can you compile remap2.pgm and run successfully
> with v7.7 and v7.8?

I can run the XRD version of remap2 just fine on v7.8, so I don't think it's
related to any low-level routine.


> Thanks for any help you can provide.
> Mary Ellen
> Mary Ellen Craddock
> Meteorologist
> Northrop Grumman Information Technology, TASC
> 4801 Stonecroft Boulevard
> Chantilly, VA 20151
> (703) 633-8300 x4022
> address@hidden