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20010607: MCIDAS ADDE server access

>From: Christian Page <address@hidden>
>Organization: Universite du Quebec a Montreal 
>Keywords: 200106070835.f578Zop28356 McIDAS ADDE servers


>I want to setup ADDE for McIDAS. From which server can I access data through

There are several sites cooperating to give others ADDE access to their
realtime data holdings.  If you have loaded the most recent release of
McIDAS-X (my records don't show this, but others have grabbed the
distribution without me having a record of it), you will be able to
easily setup ADDE access to sever remote servers.

McIDAS 7.705 (contains the latest addendum) now has a GUI widget that
you can use to setup dataset access to a list of ADDE servers at
cooperating sites.  Access to this widget is provided in two places:

Fkey Menu:

F8 Menu Administration ==> F5 ADDE Dataset Locations


The stange looking icon just to the right of the capital Z (zoom); this
icon has two PCs that are interconnected with arrows.

When you pop open the GUI widget, you will see what machines are
currently available for the various datasets listed (left click on the
down arrow in the entry/button combination widget).  For instance, the
servers that are available for the dataset GINICOMP are currently:


The same set of machines are available for most of the other datasets,
but you will find varying numbers of radars at different sites.  This
is a result of what those sites are getting by IDD.

Please note that the Fkey Menu is basically ADDEized (except for grid
cross sections).  MCGUI, on the other hand, only provides ADDE access
to certain functions under Display ==> Observations:

Thermodynamic Diagrams/Hodographs
Profiler Time-Height
Weather Watch Boxes

For reference, the 7.8 MCGUI will be completely ADDEized.  At this
point, the Fkey menu should fall in disuse and so will be no longer be

>My info is:

Right now, the ADDE servers that are accessible are not limiting access
to "registered" machines.  This may change in the future, so at that
point we will need the name of the machine(s) you will be accessing the
servers from.  Right now, all you need to do is either use the GUI
widget (easiest thing to do) or run a series of DATALOC commands to
setup access to machines by dataset group name.


Please let me know if you have additional questions about the ADDE access.

Tom Yoksas