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20010307: 7.7x version of uacross fails in plotting wind barbs

>From: "Paul L. Sirvatka" <address@hidden>
>Organization: College of DuPage
>Keywords: 200102162013.f1GKD9L01250 McIDAS-X SFCCON GRDDISP


>I have tried UACROSS and tried to plot windbarbs but it is not
>working. Any ideas on this?
>I use UACROSS KCRP KRAP PAR=mix tha windb

UACROSS is a program that needs a lot of work (I know, 'cause I have
been reading the code).  I grabbed the latest version of uacross.pgm
from the SSEC CVS repository, and have used it in replacement of the
version that was in the Unidata 7.7 release.  I did a quick test of it
on Solaris SPARC 2.6 and Solaris x86 2.7, and it seemed to work OK, at
least it successfully completed the example invocation you provided:


One note on this example for today's 12 Z data.  One of the stations in
the cross section, 74646 (Sulphur Municipal, OK) has totally bogus wind
values between 600 to 280 mb.  I checked the raw report that the XCD
decoder had to work with, and it was pretty well munged:

RAOBRPT 74646 DAY=2001067 TIME=12
TTBB 58126 74646 00985 00810 11953 03028 22946 0365933943
     03459 44934 04867 559 22 05662 66919 05461 77896
     0686188878 07462 99729 02158 11604 12100 22598 10926
     33525 1696244498 19756 55454 23965 66426 27773 77372
     36362 88340 4194299291 5133 2 11280 53737 22228 635//
     33219 633// 44214 5675055181 639// 66158 58168 77100 6
     11// 31313 46106 81130 5151510164 00007 10196 85519
     05662 01511 70078 04539 3451 4 5056619557 30525 10194
     03512 35512=
PPBB 58126 74646 8402/ 06002 25600=
TTAA 58121 74646 99985 00810 06002 00195 ///// /////92825
     05662 03513 85519 056 62 01511 70078 04539 34514
     5056619557 30525 40728 31768 30031 30923 49535 27551
     25040 5913925581 20179 58359 ///// 15358 59170 27073
     10611 611// 2657288228 635/ / ///// 88181 639// 27576
     77125 27083 4//14=

So, if/when you grab the new version of uacross.pgm (I stuck a copy in the
pub/mcidas directory of anonymous FTP on our FTP server,
ftp.unidata.ucar.edu) and do your same plot, don't be suprised when the
wind values for this station are absurd.

The proceedure for updating your uacross.k executable is:

<login as 'mcidas'>
cd mcidas7.7/src
mv uacross.pgm uacross.pgm.770
ftp ftp.unidata.ucar.edu
  <user> anonymous
  <pass> your_email_address
  cd pub/mcidas
  get uacross.pgm
make uacross.k
rm ~/bin/uacross.k
ln uacross.k ~/bin


No worries :-)

>BTW things are looking quite good on everything else. I have some great
>products that are working! Thanks for the help!

Glad to hear of the good progress.

Just as a curiosity, have you started looking at data off of your own
machine yet?  The only reason I ask is that I see that ic1q06.cod.edu
( continues to request a fair bit of data from
adde.ucar.edu (7.6 GB in the last 5.5 days).  This is not a problem, I
am just curious.
