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20010213: McIDAS version banner correct?

>From: Neil Smith <address@hidden>
>Organization: Texas A&M
>Keywords: 200102130028.f1D0SQL12744 McIDAS-X 7.7x raobcon.pgm


>I've got mcidas-x 7.7 installed on this DEC OK, I think. Thing is
>when I start mcidas, the version stated on startup and on the
>window bars is 7.10. Why shouldn't I expect that to read 7.7?

It should read 7.704.

>I know I'm running the correct executable because this happens
>even if I run the 7.7 executable by full path name.


>What's more,
>there was no previous version installed on this box. -Neil

Now, that is _very_ weird.  I just checked the web access logs and
see that you did grab the 7.7 distribution:

leap.met.tamu.edu - - [12/Feb/2001:15:58:18 -0700] "GET 
/packages/mcidas/770/download/mcx770/mcidasx770.tar.Z HTTP/1.0" 200 45516841 
"http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/mcidas/770/mcx/getdist.html"; "Mozilla/4.7 
[en] (X11; I; OSF1 V5.0 alpha)"

Given this, you must have then done the following to build the distribution:

o define McINST_ROOT to be ~mcidas
o run mcinstall which should have told you to cd to the mcidas7.7/src
o cd mcidas7.7/src

Is all of the above true?

If so, then the only thing I can think of is that your MCPATH is set to
include the ~mcidas/data directory for a 7.10 build.  Is this possible?
