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20010128: MDXX files

>From: "Paul L. Sirvatka" <address@hidden>
>Organization: College of DuPage
>Keywords: 200101281749.f0SHnWX02438 McIDAS-XCD decode


>For the time being, we have a disk space problem. In addressing it, I
>found that the MDXX files are being written to after the day it should.
>For instance...on Julian Day ending in eight MDXX0008 is being added
>to. However, I also see MDXX0007 being written to as well. Cna you tell me

The XCD decoder uses the day in the header of products to determine
which file to write to.  It is likely that you are seeing a situation
where some surface bulletins are coming across with the incorrect date
(i.e., yesterday's) on them.

If the time on the bulletin is at the end of the day and the previous
day's MD file has been deleted, then the XCD decoder will recreate the
file and fill it with MISSing values for all times up to the one
represented by the bulletin being decoded.  This will give the
appearance of the entire MD file being written with the current data.
