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20001206: ADDE reference


Since we are doing a lot of work with ADDE and promoting it's use,
several people here have asked for references that potential users
might look at for a description of ADDE.  The User's Guide and
Programmer's references have descriptions, but they are all in
terms of McIDAS commands and not an overview of the overall design.
Also, for those using the Java interface, the references to McIDAS
commands would be confusing.

Do you have any on-line references that we could point people at?
In manuscripts, I usually reference the IIPS paper from 1995:

Taylor, W., J. Benson, T. Whittaker, J. Rueden, 1995: Seamless Access to 
    Local and Distributed Data. Preprints, 11th International Conference 
    Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, 
    Oceanography and Hydrology, 349-352.

Do you know if this paper is on-line?  Or does SSEC have any technical
papers on the subject that are web-accessible?

Thanks for your help.

Don Murray