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20000913: scripting of imgcopy.k for portion of image that is blank

>From: David Harper <address@hidden>
>Organization: NCAR/RAP
>Keywords: 200009132058.e8DKwlb00832 McIDAS-X IMGCOPY RTGINI netCDF


>McIDAS-X question
>I am generating files that don't have the designated point within the image.

Ok, you are generating a netCDF version of a GINI image using IMGCOPY.

>I am operating on a gini file that is a 7micron goes image (8km/pixel).  This
>does not happen on a goeswest image I am processing at another site.

A GOES-West image of what kind?  IR, VIS, what?  Is the GOES-West in
GINI format, or is it in an AREA file?

>Interestingly the latitude seems to be at 1km/pixel.  I have tried this on
>multiple 7micron files with the same result.

So, in the copy the increment in latitude gets changed to 1km/pixel when
the original is 8km/pixel, but the longitude increment does not?

>The shell script has the following line in it:
>imgcopy.k RTGINI/GW8KWV NCDF/GINI.3 LATLON=39.5 76.1 SIZE=100 100

By my calculation, none of the source image will fall within the box
you are specifying.  The SIZE=100 100 means you are asking for a box
centered on '39.5 76.1' that is 100x100 LINes by ELEments in size.
When I display a RTGINI/GW8KWV iamge and place my cursor at LAT,LON
'39.5 76.1', I can see that there are no image pixels within 50
elements from my cursor.  The image resulting from your IMGCOPY
_should_ be all black IF the copy works at all, and it should _not_
work.  Here is the indication I get when doing the same copy from the
same kind of image to a destination dataset of type AREA:

IMGCOPY: The portion of the image requested does not exist
IMGCOPY failed, RC=1

So, perhaps the imgcopy.k is failing and your script is not checking
the exit status before doing something else?

See what happens when you do the IMGCOPY to a file of type AREA?  To check
this, you would have to create a dataset of type AREA and then do the
copy.  Here is one way:

dsserve.k ADD MYDATA/IMAGES AREA 1 9999 \"All images in AREA format
imgcopy.k RTGINI/GW8KWV MYDATA/IMAGES.1 LATLON=39.5 76.1 SIZE=100 100

You should get the same result that I did above.

I don't know where these LAT,LON values are coming from since the
imgcopy.k should have failed.  Is it possible that the netCDF dataset
element (image) already existed, and these listings are for that
previously existing image?

>yet when I look at the output for the first 100 lats I get:
> latitude =
>43.37033, 43.36274, 43.3551, 43.3474, 43.33966, 43.33187, 43.32404,
>    43.31615, 43.3082, 43.30023, 43.29219, 43.28411, 43.27598, 43.2678,
>    43.25958, 43.2513, 43.24298, 43.23462, 43.22619, 43.21772, 43.20922,
>    43.20065, 43.19204, 43.18338, 43.17467, 43.16592, 43.15712, 43.14826,
>    43.13936, 43.13042, 43.12142, 43.11237, 43.10328, 43.09414, 43.08496,
>    43.07571, 43.06643, 43.05709, 43.04772, 43.03828, 43.02881, 43.01928,
>    43.0097, 43.00009, 42.99042, 42.9807, 42.97093, 42.96112, 42.95126,
>    42.94135, 42.93139, 42.92138, 42.91132, 42.90123, 42.89108, 42.88087,
>    42.87063, 42.86034, 42.84999, 42.8396, 42.82917, 42.81868, 42.80815,
>    42.79757, 42.78693, 42.77625, 42.76553, 42.75476, 42.74393, 42.73306,
>    42.72214, 42.71118, 42.70016, 42.6891, 42.67799, 42.66684, 42.65563,
>    42.64438, 42.63308, 42.62172, 42.61033, 42.59888, 42.58739, 42.57586,
>    42.56426, 42.55263, 42.54095, 42.52922, 42.51744, 42.50561, 42.49373,
>    42.48181, 42.46984, 42.45782, 42.44576, 42.43365, 42.42147, 42.40928,
>    42.39701, 42.38471,
>The lons are ok:
> longitude =
>-80.11992, -80.02538, -79.93085, -79.83636, -79.74186, -79.64738,
>    -79.55292, -79.45847, -79.36403, -79.26962, -79.17521, -79.08083,
>    -78.98646, -78.8921, -78.79776, -78.70344, -78.60912, -78.51483,
>    -78.42056, -78.3263, -78.23205, -78.13783, -78.04362, -77.94942,
>    -77.85524, -77.76108, -77.66694, -77.57281, -77.4787, -77.3846,
>    -77.29053, -77.19646, -77.10242, -77.00839, -76.91438, -76.8204,
>    -76.72642, -76.63246, -76.53853, -76.4446, -76.3507, -76.25681,
>    -76.16295, -76.0691, -75.97527, -75.88146, -75.78767, -75.6939,
>    -75.60014, -75.5064, -75.41269, -75.31898, -75.2253, -75.13165, -75.038,
>    -74.94437, -74.85078, -74.75719, -74.66362, -74.57008, -74.47655,
>    -74.38304, -74.28956, -74.19609, -74.10265, -74.00922, -73.91581,
>    -73.82242, -73.72906, -73.63571, -73.54238, -73.44908, -73.3558,
>    -73.26253, -73.16929, -73.07607, -72.98286, -72.88968, -72.79652,
>    -72.70339, -72.61027, -72.51717, -72.4241, -72.33105, -72.23801, -72.145,
>    -72.05202, -71.95905, -71.86611, -71.77319, -71.68028, -71.5874,
>    -71.49454, -71.40172, -71.30891, -71.21613, -71.12335, -71.03061,
>    -70.93789, -70.84519,
