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19990827: wxbox status


It looks like things are working (mostly) on wxbox this morning.
I made a couple of other minor changes:

1) I edited the file /usr/local/gempak/NAWIPS-5.4/resource/Nsharp
so the paths for the data would be /var/data/ldm/gempak instead
of /shemp/gempak.  Take a look at N-SHARP which is an interactive
SkewT program.  That should make you forget any problems you've
had with the installation for a while. ;-)

2) I edited the file $GARPHOME/config/Garp_defaults and changed:

modelkeys      : 


modelkeys       : 

so you would be able to see the mrf grids.

3) In McIDAS, I released the ROUTE.SYS entries for the GOES-East/West
composites and the TOPO composites by running:

   cd /usr/local/mcidas/workdata
   route.k REL C
   route.k REL N

If you want to suspend the creation of any of these products, you
can run start a McIDAS session as the user mcidas and selectively
SUSpend products with the ROUTE command (or you can run it outside
mcidas as route.k as above).

I found a problem with the QRTMDG command on your system (basically
it doesn't work), so I'm using DOQTL in mcscour.sh to scour off
the old MD files.  Tom will take a look at this.

Also, there are no upperair files, FOUS14, Ship/buoy, synoptic
or PIREP MD files being created.  I'll have Tom look into this also.

It doesn't look like the display has been reset yet.  I can walk you
through it over the phone if you want.  Let me know.
