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[LDM #EZP-106031]: ldm not working properly after OS updates
- Subject: [LDM #EZP-106031]: ldm not working properly after OS updates
- Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 13:02:44 -0600
Hi Sen,
> I have been bothered by this issue for some time. We have the sever
> patched (titan.met.sjsu.edu). after that, some of the model data are coming
> anymore including all GFS suits.
> Any suggestions?
When we looked at how titan was configured previously, we developed
two conclusions which I though we had relayed to you:
1) first, titan seemed to be suitably equipped to be able to handle
all of the IDD data that it had/has REQUESTs for
We noted that the LDM queue size on titan needed to be made
a lot larger to cut down on "second trip" receipts of data. The
problem with increasing the LDM queue size as that titan did not
have enough memory... I recall that titan had 20 GB of RAM, so
I could only increase the LDM queue to 12 GB and still leave enough
RAM for the various processing that it was doing.
I seem to recall that we recommended increasing the memory to as
much as possible (whatever the machine will accept), but this should
be more than 64 GB so that the queue size can be increased to
at least 32 GB.
2) the last time I looked, it seemed like there was some issues with
latencies for the feeds being REQUESTed
A quick look at the real-time stats latencies titan is reporting
shows that, for instance, the latency for CONDUIT is low - a
good thing.
3) I believe that you used to be REQUESTing the GOES-16/17 GRB
imagery and products in the SATELLITE feed (which is known as
DIFAX in older LDM versions). Since I don't see that feed
being reported in real-time stats from titan, I'll assume that
you removed the feed REQUEST
So, the questions are:
- has more memory been installed in titan?
If yes, how much does it have now?
- is the LDM queue size the same as it was the last time we were
logged in?
At that time, it was 12 GB.
- does your LDM log file have indications that look like "processed oldest
These indicate that the products are not getting processed before they
are at the end of the queue, and this, in turn, is a strong indication
that products are being scoured out of the queue before they are
acted on by LDM pattern-action file actions.
Is the access to your machine the same as it used to be? If yes, and if
I can find the login information, I will try to logon and poke around.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: EZP-106031
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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