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[LDM #WOM-274153]: Reproducible bug in LDM 6.13.10
- Subject: [LDM #WOM-274153]: Reproducible bug in LDM 6.13.10
- Date: Sat, 04 May 2019 13:39:46 -0600
Hi Gilbert,
> Also, I didn't see any documentation on this. What goes into crontab to
> rotate the NOAAport logs?
Here is the cron entry we use to run the nplog_rotate script to rotate
our NOAAPort ingest logs:
# Rotate NOAAPort ingest logs
0 0 * * * util/nplog_rotate 30 > /dev/null 2>&1
Since the location of NOAAPort ingest log files can vary from
site to site, and since a version of nplog_rotate is contained
in the bin directory of every LDM installation, it is important to:
- copy the version of nplog_rotate located in the bin directory
of the LDM installation to a different directory, preferably
a directory that is in the PATH of the user 'ldm'
- modify the local copy of nplog_rotate to match your NOAAPort
log file location:
cd /data/tmp
cd <directory where you keep your NOAAPort log files>
- change (if needed) the names of the NOAAPort log files
- make sure that the local copy of nplog_rotate is marked as
being executable
For instance:
<as 'ldm'>
cp -p ~ldm/bin/nplog_rotate ~ldm/util
-- modify ~ldm/util/nplog_rotate
chmod +x ~ldm/util/nplog_rotate
- add a crontab action that runs the local copy of nplog_rotate
as often/infrequently as you wish
The value passed in the cron-initiated invocation of the
local copy of nplog_rotate is how many log files to keep.
Since the frequency of crontab execution will determine the
size of the log files, you will need to adjust the number
of files to keep so that you do not run out of disk space.
As an aside:
There is no automatic rotation of any LDM-related log file.
The only exception to this is the ability to rotate the
LDM log file upon LDM restart, but this is not the same as
rotating log files on a routine basis.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WOM-274153
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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