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[LDM #WOM-274153]: Reproducible bug in LDM 6.13.10
- Subject: [LDM #WOM-274153]: Reproducible bug in LDM 6.13.10
- Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2019 12:49:27 -0600
Hi Gilbert,
[I merged your emails into the relevant support-email thread.]
> OK, due to a satellite dish issue, we had to move our NOAAport data feeds
> to backups
> on ldm01.allisonhouse.com this Saturday morning. Here is a step-by-step
> process of what I did:
> Editied ldmd.conf on ldm01.allisonhouse.com to point away from
> bird01.allisonhouse.com to backups using pico.
> #NotaVIfan
> # Text data. This will also grab the NWWS feed from bird01 if the
> # Novra config is set to receive it.
> #####request IDS|DDPLUS "(.*)" bird01.allisonhouse.com
> request IDS|DDPLUS ".*" idd.aos.wisc.edu
> request IDS|DDPLUS "(.*)" atlas.niu.edu
> Normally, on ldm01, bird01 is uncommented, and idd.aos.wisc.edu is our
> second primary.
> As user LDM on ldm01:
> ldmadmin stop
> ldmadmin delqueue
> ldmadmin clean
I take it there were no problems with these commands.
> As user root:
> systemctl start ldm
> I log into nfs01.allisonhouse.com and note no log entries showing anything
> happened to the feed from ldm01.
There were no messages from the downstream LDM processes on nfs01 about the
connection to the upstream LDM process being broken?
> But, at the time either after ldm01 has the LDM shut down or comes back
> online, the LDM on NFS01 continues to ingest, but immediately stops writing
> to disk.
What are the pqact(1) actions that aren't writing to disk? FILE or PIPE?
> There are NO log entries on nfs01 showing anything out of the
> ordinary; everything appears to be normal. But, nothing is writing to disk,
> even though an "ldmadmin watch" on nfs01 shows all feeds apparently coming
> in just fine.
Including IDS|DDPLUS?
> But, this command in LDM's crontab on nfs01:
> 1,6,11,17,21,26,32,36,41,47,51,56 * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'wasReceived -f
> "WMO|NIMAGE|NGRID|NEXRAD3" -o 180' || /bin/mail -s 'NOAAPORT data has not
> been received in the last 3 minutes on nfs01' address@hidden,
> address@hidden,address@hidden,address@hidden
> </dev/null
> Gets me the dreaded alert via text and emails:
> NOAAPORT data has not been received in the last 3 minutes on nfs01
This is inconsistent with your assertion that an "ldmadmin watch" on nfs01
shows all feeds continuing to arrive.
> And the other feeds eventually chirp as well, as they are on longer alert
> times to allow for NWS feed issues and glitches. Again, no log entries on
> NFS01 show anything wrong or even that it cannot connect to ldm01's LDM. I
> double checked...this is just weird, Steve. Both are running CentOS 7, and
> are fully patched. Here is a partial NOAAport entry on NFS01.
> # Text data. Will also receive NWWS when Novra is configured on bird01 to
> do so.
> request IDS|DDPLUS "(.*)" ldm-central1-b.c.tough-volt.internal
> #request IDS|DDPLUS ".*" bird01.allisonhouse.com
> request IDS|DDPLUS ".*" idd.aos.wisc.edu
> ldm-central is an internal network name for ldm01. So, the feed obviously
> successfully switches over to idd.aos.wisc.edu, but the queue is corrupt.
> So odd.
So the downstream LDM on nfs01 that requests IDS|DDPLUS from idd.aos.wisc.edu
stops inserting such products into the queue?
> I noticed you have a beta out. Do you think the bugfixes might patch this
> issue?
Possibly, but I don't see how.
Are the clocks on all the systems correct?
> One more thing: Knowing this was likely going to happen, I was logged onto
> NFS01 and looked for unusual things. This time, there was the one-to-one
> pqact requests; no duplicates that I saw, anyway.
When this happens, can you attach gdb(1) to one of the pqact(1) processes that
isn't writing anything to disk and send me a stack trace?
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WOM-274153
Department: Support LDM
Priority: High
Status: Closed
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