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[LDM #UPB-657332]: ntp servers in registry.xml
- Subject: [LDM #UPB-657332]: ntp servers in registry.xml
- Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 10:30:05 -0600
Hi Erik,
The NTP servers are used by the ldmadmin(1) script to verify that the system
clock is correct (the LDM depends on accurate time for correct operation). You
can list any servers you want in the relevant registry parameter.
Alternatively, if you know that your system clock is always accurate, you can
disable time-checking by setting the parameter "/check-time/enabled" to "0".
> Hello - I happened to notice that there a bunch of NTP servers in the
> default registry.xml configuration. In our environment, these are
> firewalled. Does LDM need these, or does it fall back to the OS time?
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UPB-657332
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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