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[LDM #OXP-765029]: Using pqinsert with -p option
- Subject: [LDM #OXP-765029]: Using pqinsert with -p option
- Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2018 15:33:51 -0600
> I'm pretty sure we usually only do a single file for each pqinsert.
In that case, the sequence number will *not* be appended and the product
identifier will be the option-argument of the "-p" option. So, for example,
pqinsert(1) could be invoked this way:
pqinsert -v -p "Upper.Sounding.GTS.<whatever>" <file>
<whatever> is your choice for the product-identifier after the "GTS."
<file> is the pathname of the file to be inserted
The script that invokes pqinsert(1) should either be executed via an EXEC entry
in the LDM configuration-file, or it should send a SIGCONT to the LDM
process-group (e.g., "kill -s CONT -`cat ~/ldmd.pid`") so that the upstream LDM
processes in the LDM process group immediately learn about a new addition to
the product-queue.
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OXP-765029
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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