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[LDM #JXK-104385]: using PIPE with CONDUIT data
- Subject: [LDM #JXK-104385]: using PIPE with CONDUIT data
- Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2018 16:52:09 -0600
Hi Deb,
> Thanks -- this is a good start. Can you send me an example using FILE and
> EXEC on the same file? Should each be a separate command in pqact.conf, or
> can I use them on the same command line?
> Ex: ^CONDUIT blah blah
> FILE -close somename EXEC somescript somename
> doesn't work,
It shouldn't work as it is the incorrect syntax.
> and neither does
> Ex: ^CONDUIT blah blah
> FILE -close somename
> EXEC somescript somename
This is also the incorrect syntax.
> and
> ^CONDUIT blah blah
> FILE -close somename
> ^CONDUIT blah blah
> EXEC somescript somename
> fails with a 127 error, I'm guessing because the file is changing as the
> FILE command updates it.
This is almost correct. The correct syntax would be:
CONDUIT<tab>blah blah
<tab>FILE<tab>-close somename
CONDUIT<tab>blah blah
<tab>EXEC somescript somename
- CONDUIT should begin the line
- <tab> means an actual tab character
> So how do I get EXEC to run as a child AFTER the entire FILE ingest is
> complete?
The EXEC will not run as a child, but the EXEC action will run after
the FILE<tab>-close action if it is after the FILE action in the
pattern-action file. The inclusion of the '-close- flag to FILE should
insure that the file is flushed to disk so that the following EXEC action
will be working on a complete file.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JXK-104385
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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