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[LDM #ORN-677013]: missing NOTHER feed
- Subject: [LDM #ORN-677013]: missing NOTHER feed
- Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2018 13:05:07 -0700
> Sure you can log in, but I don't have an ldm user. This is an edex server so
> everything runs under the awips user.
> Here is the login info :please block this part out when putting this up on
> the archives
I logged onto our backend server that's sending to you:
~: uldbutil | grep -i millersville | grep NOTHER
22235 6 feeder edex.esci.millersville.edu 20180207142156.833909 TS_ENDT
{{NOTHER, "^TI[PRS]... KNES.*"}} primary
And watched as it sent a relevant product:
~: fgrep '[22235]' logs/ldmd.log | grep -v pq_sequenceHelper
20180205T061214.492138Z cori.met.tamu.edu(feed)[22235] NOTE
uldb.c:1533:sm_vetUpstreamLdm() Terminated obsolete upstream LDM
(addr=, pid=11569, vers=6, type=feeder,
mode=primary, sub=(20180204161055.605666 TS_ENDT {{NIMAGE, "VIS.*CONUS"}}))
20180205T061215.498931Z cori.met.tamu.edu(feed)[22235] NOTE
up6.c:445:up6_run() Starting Up(6.13.3/6): 20180204181214.152247 TS_ENDT
SIG=79bbdb2f974256ec081c1bbda0386b36, Alternate
20180205T061215.498969Z cori.met.tamu.edu(feed)[22235] NOTE
up6.c:448:up6_run() topo: cori.met.tamu.edu {{NIMAGE, (.*)}}
20180205T064036.114117Z cori.met.tamu.edu(feed)[22235] NOTE
ldmd.c:187:cleanup() Exiting
20180207T152157.972956Z edex.esci.millersville.edu(feed)[22235] NOTE
up6.c:445:up6_run() Starting Up(6.13.3/6): 20180207142156.833909 TS_ENDT
{{NOTHER, "^TI[PRS]... KNES.*"}},
SIG=77dcf0031bfdbd1ffedae8e283ab875e, Primary
20180207T152157.972989Z edex.esci.millersville.edu(feed)[22235] NOTE
up6.c:448:up6_run() topo: edex.esci.millersville.edu {{NOTHER, (.*)}}
20180207T194636.466730Z edex.esci.millersville.edu(feed)[22235] DEBUG
up6.c:242:hereis() 463b38622662ee1777fb7f21afd512c3 1288677
20180207170831.717508 NOTHER 26385 TIRE02 KNES
071707 PBB
20180207T194636.471358Z edex.esci.millersville.edu(feed)[22235] DEBUG
error.c:236:err_log() up6.c@366: sending: 90169c20b89f3c5c126c9c8542a3962b
1321445 20180207170832.248050
NOTHER 26386 TIRE02 KNES 071707 PBC
The "hereis()" in the above indicates that the upstream LDM considers that the
product was successfully sent.
At the same time, I was logged into your system and ran the following:
[awips@edex ~]$ notifyme -vl- -f NOTHER -p '^TI[PRS]... KNES.*'
20180207T194516.331051Z notifyme[1040] NOTE notifyme.c:385:main() Starting
Up: localhost: 20180207194516.330806 TS_ENDT {{NOTHER, "^TI[PRS]... KNES.*"}}
20180207T194516.331098Z notifyme[1040] NOTE ldm5_clnt.c:460:forn5() LDM-5
desired product-class: 20180207194516.330806 TS_ENDT {{NOTHER, "^TI[PRS]...
20180207T194516.331516Z notifyme[1040] INFO error.c:236:err_log() Resolving
localhost to took 0.000362 seconds
20180207T194516.333344Z notifyme[1040] NOTE ldm5_clnt.c:294:forn_signon()
NOTIFYME(localhost): OK
^C20180207T195603.328454Z notifyme[1040] NOTE notifyme.c:66:cleanup()
[awips@edex ~]$
This was before the product was sent and I didn't kill the notifyme(1) until
much, much later.
Something is very, very wrong and I'll have to think.
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ORN-677013
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web. If
you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must
let us know in each email you send to us.