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[LDM #ZYA-653620]: directory structure for data captured via ldm not correct
- Subject: [LDM #ZYA-653620]: directory structure for data captured via ldm not correct
- Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2017 10:42:44 -0600
Both the "ldmadmin config" and "requtil" output contain the string
"/usr/local//ldm", which is probably not what you want. While this is likely
not the cause of your problem, would you please send me the output of the
command "head config.log" executed in the directory "/usr/local/ldm/src".
If you don't have access to the LDM installation that's producing the correct
results, then how do you know that the pqact(1) entries are identical?
Your pqact(1) entry is quite involved:
NGRID ^(Y.C[A-MZ][05789][0-9]) (KWBY)
FILE -overwrite -log -close -edex
Offhand, I'd say your pqact(1) process is behaving correctly and that the "\7"
replacement-string on your system is "*83*" and not "*HRRR*".
Because you're logging the pqact(1) processing, can you send me the
product-identifier of one of the misfiled products?
Do you know what version of the LDM the correct installation is running?
> attached are the output for the commands you requested on the incorrect
> instance of ldm and the pqact.conf entries (same on both). I don't have
> immediate access to the ldm instance that is producing the correct
> results for running the two commands you asked for.
> Is there something in particular i can look for when comparing the outputs?
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZYA-653620
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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