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[LDM #POB-590977]: multiple allow lines of different products to the same server
- Subject: [LDM #POB-590977]: multiple allow lines of different products to the same server
- Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2017 15:05:30 -0600
The first entry in the LDM configuration-file (etc/ldmd.conf) that matches
the requesting host and the requests's feedtype controls what that host may
receive. Make sure that the feedtype specifications of your two ALLOW entries
don't have any bits in common.
> In my ldmd.conf I had two "allow" lines of different products to the same
> server. Only the product from the first "allow" line was received on the
> other end.
> What is the proper way to allow a server multiple products?
> I didnt see the answer in the ldm user manual. You can direct me to a page
> if the information is there.
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: POB-590977
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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