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[LDM #QIR-700693]: Training Workshops (UNCLASSIFIED)
- Subject: [LDM #QIR-700693]: Training Workshops (UNCLASSIFIED)
- Date: Sun, 21 May 2017 11:59:12 -0600
We're currently not planning on holding a training workshop this year.
Would you be interested in flying someone out to conduct one? We've done this
6 times before with NOAA. You'd likely have to pay the salary and benefits of
the instructor (probably me, the developer). I can put you in touch with our
budget administrator if you're interested.
> I'm looking for information on training opportunities for the Local
> Data Manager (LDM) program. I'd like to find out how often training is
> provided, cost for an individual, cost for groups, and is it possible
> to have training specific for a federal agency?
> The US Army Corps of Engineers, Water Management community, has used
> LDM for a number of years and knowledge of the program is either through
> documentation or from those with experience.
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: QIR-700693
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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