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[LDM #MIY-170840]: One of our two LDM servers is having problems
- Subject: [LDM #MIY-170840]: One of our two LDM servers is having problems
- Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 11:52:10 -0600
All I could make of this is that the "-flush" option was rejected. Prthe obably
best to just send us plain text.
Make sure that whitespace between the "FILE" and the "-flush" is a tab.
> The "-flush" option on the "FILE" action is rejected:Checking
> pqact(1) configuration-file(s)... /home/ldm/etc/pqact.conf: has problems:
> 20170517T173812.527398Z pqact[7798] NOTE pqact.c:420:main() Starting Up
> 20170517T173812.527935Z pqact[7798] ERROR palt.c:373:new_palt_fromStr()
> Unknown action "FILE -flush data/dds/sa/(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1\2.sa" at
> line 141 20170517T173812.527957Z pqact[7798] ERROR palt.c:460:readPatFile()
> Error in configuration-file "/home/ldm/etc/pqact.conf"
> 20170517T173812.527980Z pqact[7798] NOTE pqact.c:111:cleanup() ExitingOn May
> 17, 2017 at 9:49 AM Unidata LDM Support <address@hidden> wrote:Hi
> Tom,re: LDM configuration files requested> Here are the files you
> requested.Thanks for sending the ldmd.conf, pqact.conf and registry.xml
> filesfrom colaweb.gmu.edu. I'm reviewing them now to see if anythingjumps
> out at me.re:> I saw there is a netcheck command in etc, so I ran it with
> out data>
providers. All I can tell is that we can reach both hosts. And the> ping
times seem reasonable.Thanks. Ping times to upstream LDM feed hosts being low
do notnecessarily indicate that data will flow with low latencies (thecondition
is necessary, but not sufficient).Brian wrote:> I have a question regarding
the way the LDM interacts with the OS;> For the DDS data feed, the report
headers are parsed and then the> reports are put into various files based
on the header and the> date/time stamp.> > These files -- are they
kept open ...or are they opened, written> to, and then closed?The answer
would depend on whether or not you include the '-close'option on the
LDM FILE action(s) that are filing the products.A quick review of the LDM
pattern-action file, ~ldm/etc/pqact.conf,that Tom sent along yesterday evening
shows that the '-close' optionis not included on any of the
FILE/STDIOFILE actions. In this case,the files will be kept open
by the OS and only closed when 'pqact'runs out of file descriptors
and needs to close old ones. Whenthe OS will flush pending data writes to disk,
is totally dependenton the OS, not the LDM.Here is the current METAR processing
action from the pattern-actionfile that Tom sent:# All metars in files by day
and hour.IDS|DDPLUS ^SA.... .... (..)(..).* FILE
data/dds/sa/(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1\2.saOne could force the products to be flushed
to the file by includingthe '-flush' option on the FILE action. For
example:# All metars in files by day and hour.IDS|DDPLUS ^SA.... ....
(..)(..).* FILE -flush data/dds/sa/(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1\2.saIn a similar way, one
can force the file to be closed aftereach write (and this would also cause the
product to bewritten to the file):# All metars in files by day and
hour.IDS|DDPLUS ^SA.... .... (..)(..).* FILE -close
data/dds/sa/(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1\2.saNB: the white space between FILE and its
option (e.g., '-close')must be a tab, no
t spaces.If you decide to alter your pattern-action file actions, youshould
always do a gross check to make sure that there are noobvious syntax errors by
running:ldmadmin pqactcheckYou can cause the newly modified action(s) to become
active(after running the check!) by running:ldmadmin pqactHUPYou can see all of
the things that 'ldmadmin' supports by simply running:ldmadminComments
on files sent by Tom yesterday evening:- I see nothing wrong with the REQUEST
settings in ldmd.conf:REQUEST IDS|DDPLUS ".*" idd.meteo.psu.eduREQUEST
IDS|DDPLUS ".*" idd.unidata.ucar.eduREQUEST FNEXRAD
"^radar_mosaic" idd.meteo.psu.eduREQUEST FNEXRAD
"^radar_mosaic" idd.unidata.ucar.eduREQUEST NIMAGE " TIG[NE]"
idd.meteo.psu.eduREQUEST NIMAGE " TIG[NE]" idd.unidata.ucar.edu I would
expect that on any machine that has any sort of reasonable network connection
(and by reasonable I mean really low bandwidth) would receive all of the
products REQ
UESTed with no problems. As a comparison, I routinely REQUEST LOTS (100x) more
data in the LDM I have setup on my Odroid U3 single board computer that is
running Lbuntu 14.04 LTS (it is like a Raspberry Pi) and is connected to the
Internet by a slow (~5 Mbps) wireless connection.- I see nothing obviously
wrong with colaweb's LDM pattern-action file, pqact.conf- I see nothing
wrong with the default LDM queue configuration in colaweb's LDM registry:
<queue> <path>/home/ldm/var/queues/ldm.pq</path>
<size>500M</size> <slots>default</slots>
</queue>Given that nothing seems untoward in colaweb's LDM
configuration files, mysuspicion returns back to colaweb's network
connection.Questions:- are there any quality of service (QoS) setups on the
firewall either/both on colaweb or on the department/college/university
firewalls?- it is possible (edge case) that there is something wrong with the
Ethernet adapte
r that LDM data is flowing into on colaweb I don't think that this is
likely because you (Jennifer) indicated that colaweb's OS was upgraded from
CentOS 5 to CentOS 7, and the LDM was upgraded from 6.7.0 to 6.13.6. Although
not explicitly stated, the inference was that the old LDM running in the old OS
on the same hardware was working correctly, but now things are not working. If
the inference is true, it should be the case that the network connection to
colaweb is OK (meaning sufficient to transfer the very low volume of data that
is being REQUESTed), and that the Ethernet interface is OK. This leaves
something in the OS as being the culprit, but, for the life of me, I can't
imagine what this would/could be!We will get together to discuss your situation
today and get back to youwith any ideas/requests for tests that we can come up
User Support UCAR Unidata Progra
m(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box address@hidden Boulder, CO
Details===================Ticket ID: MIY-170840Department: Support
LDMPriority: NormalStatus: Open===================NOTE: All email exchanges
with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata inquiry tracking system
and then made publicly available through the web. If you do not want to have
your interactions made available in this way, you must let us know in each
email you send to us.>
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MIY-170840
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web. If
you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must
let us know in each email you send to us.