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[LDM #WVX-983889]: ldmping failing
- Subject: [LDM #WVX-983889]: ldmping failing
- Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2016 16:05:39 -0600
The firewall rules on the LDM servers must be configured to allow incoming TCP
connections to port 388 from any port *and* allow bi-directional traffic on
such connections. Sounds like your rules either don't allow such connections or
only allow one-way traffic.
I've BCC'ed our systems administrator in case he has something to add.
> We accidently found the problem. The Linux admin completely turned off the
> firewalls on our DEV and PROD LDM servers and things started working. If we
> open just port 388 thru the firewalls, ldmping and xfers will not work. For
> now, we've disabled the firewalls on our 4 LDM servers (they are all on our
> internal intranet so it shouldn't be much of a security risk). We plan to
> work on a permanent fix next week. Can you give us any suggestions as to how
> to configure the firewall around the REQUEST server since the return
> connection is not on port 388? Thanks again for the help.
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WVX-983889
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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