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[LDM #SFT-487549]: LDM on Amazon Cloud
- Subject: [LDM #SFT-487549]: LDM on Amazon Cloud
- Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 15:14:50 -0600
Hi Bongchul,
> That is a good idea, but could you please provide some directions how
> to configure LDM in UIowa as upstream and allow it to feed data to LDM
> in Amazon clouds?
In addition to what Steve sent a few minutes ago, I would recommend doing
the following:
1) as user 'ldm' on the UIowa machine that you want to configure to ALLOW
feed REQUEST(s) from your AWS instance
cd ~ldm
-- do a trailing 'less' or 'tail -f' on the LDM log file
The reason for this is that you will want to see the machine name
and/or IP address of your AWS instance when you run 'notifyme'
on it (next item).
2) as 'ldm' in the AWS instance that you have setup, run:
notifyme -vl- -f ANY -h <name of your UIowa host that is running the LDM you
are monitoring>
3) if there are no firewall blocks for the AWS instance in UIowa, you should
see the failed attempt by 'notifyme' run in AWS to connect to the
The log message will contain the name or IP address of the AWS machine
whose LDM is running 'notifyme'.
4) grab the name/IP address of the AWS instance, and add an ALLOW line in
the LDM configuration file (~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf) on the UIowa machine
The ALLOW line will look something like:
ALLOW ANY ^ec2-52-73-114-131\.compute-1\.amazonaws\.com\.?$
5) after adding the ALLOW line, restart the UIowa LDM so that the editing
change in its LDM configuration file becomes active
6) either rerun 'notifyme' on the AWS LDM, or, if you left it running
watch its output to see if it connects to the UIowa LDM
At the same time (in another window, of course), keep watching the
LDM log file output to see if/when the 'notifyme' connection is
allowed. If it continues to be denied, then there is likely a
topo in your LDM configuration file ALLOW line.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SFT-487549
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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