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[LDM #ITQ-479405]: Sun ONC RPC Multiple Fragments in One Packet Evasion Alert by Firewalls for LDM
- Subject: [LDM #ITQ-479405]: Sun ONC RPC Multiple Fragments in One Packet Evasion Alert by Firewalls for LDM
- Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 09:42:15 -0600
Well, because you're seeing these messages on connections from your LDM to ours
and because I know that our LDM-s don't do anything nefarious, I suspect that
the warning threshold is simply set too low on your intrusion detection system
(i.e., that multiple ONCRPC fragments are allowed in a single packet even
though this can be used for nefarious purposes).
> We are seeing this on both jetstream.msudenver.edu and weather.msudenver.edu.
> Both are reaching out to you guys exclusively but I do not manage this server
> so I’m unsure about what is going on with the server internally other than
> your software is running on it.
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ITQ-479405
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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