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[LDM #KJU-295092]: LDM pipe, without -close


> We have been using the -close option.  But, when many products arrive in a
> short period, we get hundreds of copies of our decoder attempting to run,
> and simply run out of resources.  So, I was thinking we could write a
> decoder to handle PIPE contents serially, and spawn a (limited) number of
> threads to process products.

One of the trade-off costs of Python is that it's slower than, for example, C.

> I also considered using the -metadata option, and looking for a particular
> sequence in the metadata, but I'm not able to understand/decode the binary
> parts of the metadata.

I wouldn't bother with the "-metadata" option. As far as I know, every 
data-product contains a means to distinguish how long it is. For example, WMO 
textual bulletins always start with SOH, CR, CR, LF and GRIB messages contain 
the length of the product in their header. If you write your decoder so that it 
understands the format of the data-product, then the decoder will be able to 
determine product boundaries.

Steve Emmerson

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KJU-295092
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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