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[LDM #JSH-709228]: Installing without syslog (local logging only)?
- Subject: [LDM #JSH-709228]: Installing without syslog (local logging only)?
- Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 15:00:28 -0600
1. Execute the configure(1) script with the option "--disable-root-actions";
2. Build and install the package; and
3. Have someone with root privileges who trusts you execute the command "make
root-actions" in the package-specific, top-level source-directory.
> Steve, Tom
> I'm installing on a VM at UTexas/TACC, and do not have root or sudo access.
> In other words, I need to do local ($LDMHOME) logging only. configure isn't
> happy when I don't have either sudo or root access, so either I've
> forgotten something or I need a suggestion for a work-around.
> Any ideas?
> Hope the snow's cooperating today. Sounds like the last week or so has been
> brutal.
> gerry
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JSH-709228
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed