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[LDM #KWB-851882]: pqact issues reading pq file


By default, the NEXRAD3 data-products would be FILEd somewhere under the 
/pqact/data-dir directory. If they're not, then would you please send me the 
same information for the partition that's receiving them.

> Steve
> The data-dir sits in /usr/local/ldm/var/data which is on our local block
> device as a logical volume.  It is ext3 and has 8.3G of free space  (I can
> get the actual output of those commands but it was easier for me to type on
> my external email machine this time with such a small amount of data)
> What is the data-dir used for?  There is nothing actually in that
> directory, nor do I see any IO going to the /usr partition when I'm
> watching iostat.
> Kevin
> --
> *Kevin P Johnson, RHCE™*
> Principal Engineer with Honors
> AWIPS Lead Systems Engineer
> Mission Operations & Services
> *Raytheon Company*
> +301-495-2257   (office)
> +301-244-8575   (cell)
> address@hidden
> address@hidden
> 8401 Colesville Road
> Suite 800
> Silver Spring, MD 20910
> www.raytheon.com

Steve Emmerson

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KWB-851882
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed