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[LDM #AXC-571943]: Fwd: Cron <ldm@weather> bash -l -c 'ldmadmin check >/dev/null'

Hi Brian,

> Wow I get this every 15 minutes since starting the LDM.
> I guess I will just stop it until the workshop.
> [ldm@weather bmapes]$ regutil
> bash: regutil: command not found
> [ldm@weather bmapes]$ man regutil
> No manual entry for regutil

It is likely that the ~ldm/bin directory is not in the PATH
of the 'ldm' user.  The fix for this problem is to edit the
shell-specific configuration file (e.g., .cshrc for CShell,
.bashrc or .bash_profile for BASH, etc.) and add the ~ldm/bin
directory to the PATH.  After making the editing change, the
environment has to be updated AND the LDM stopped/restarted
for the fix to take effect:

cd ~
source .cshrc
ldmadmin restart

cd ~
. .bashrc   (or . .bash_profile)
ldmadmin restart

Please let us know if that is not the problem on weather.


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(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: AXC-571943
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed