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[LDM #XXT-101239]: gempak decoders not working with LDM
- Subject: [LDM #XXT-101239]: gempak decoders not working with LDM
- Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 09:59:38 -0600
> I have been monitoring our new LDM on the blizzard machine and we have not
> been getting data products produced by any GEMPAK programs. The ldmd.log
> file has a lot of entries like this:
> Aug 31 00:00:03 blizzard pqact[27388] ERROR: No such file or directory
> Aug 31 00:00:03 blizzard pqact[27388] ERROR: Couldn't execute decoder
> "decoders/dcgrib2" [filel.c:1425]
> Aug 31 00:00:03 blizzard pqact[27388] NOTE: Exiting
> Aug 31 00:00:03 blizzard pqact[26225] ERROR: pbuf_flush(): fd=882,
> cmd=(decoders/dcgrib2 -d data/gempak/logs/dcgrib2_AWC_TURB.log -e
> GEMTBL=/home/gempak/NAWIPS/gempak/tables
> data/gempak/model/awc/YYYYMMDD_turb.gem): Broken pipe
> Aug 31 00:00:03 blizzard pqact[26225] ERROR: pipe_put(): write error:
> pid=27388, cmd=(decoders/dcgrib2 -d data/gempak/logs/dcgrib2_AWC_TURB.log
> -e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/NAWIPS/gempak/tables
> data/gempak/model/awc/YYYYMMDD_turb.gem)
> I have attached the pqact.conf file from blizzard. Ideas?
It looks like the pqact(1) process is trying to execute the program
"decoders/dcgrib2" but can't find it. The pqact(1) program in LDM 6.10 changes
its working directory to the output of the command "regutil
/pqact/datadir-path", which is "~/var/data" by default. It's unlikely that this
directory has a "decoders" subdirectory. I assume the directory "~/decoders"
You could either set the working-directory for all pqact(1) processes to the
home directory of the LDM user via the command "regutil -s $HOME
/pqact/datadir-path" (in which case all the relative pathnames in the pqact(1)
configuration-files would have to be relative to the home directory of the LDM
user) or remove the prefix "decoders/" from the relative pathnames of the
decoder programs in the pqact(1) configuration-files. (The latter solution
assumes that the LDM user's PATH environment variable specifies the "decoders"
Judging from your pqact(1) configuration file, I recommend executing the
command "regutil -s $HOME /pqact/datadir-path" and restarting the LDM.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> --
> Dr. Christopher C. Hennon
> Associate Professor
> Department of Atmospheric Sciences
> UNC Asheville
> 1 University Heights
> CPO #2450
> Asheville, NC 28804
> 1.828.232.5159 (phone)
> 1.828.232.5046 (fax)
> http://facstaff.unca.edu/chennon
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XXT-101239
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed