Hi Jon, You previously sent to Steve Emmerson: > We'll look at combining the two programs into a single script, but if you > have any > experience determining when the volume-scan is done, I'd appreciate the > pointers. > I did find a website that discussed the radar data format in a bit more > detail, but > I hate to reinvent the wheel if you know a simple way to do this. The full volume scans are split into lots of pieces (by the U.S. National Weather Service, not by us or the LDM) which are sent individually, AND there is no guarantee that the pieces will be received in order. One must reassemble the pieces into get a viable, full volume scan. In case they might be useful to you, I have attached the pattern-action file and associated Perl script that we use for our THREDDS processing of NEXRAD Level 2 data. The files are: pqact.threddsradar - the pattern action file we use for NEXRAD2 and NEXRAD3 processing for use in THREDDS hhmmssRadarII.pl - the Perl script that is run from pqact.threddsradar to reassemble the NEXRAD2 pieces We put 'hhmmssRadarII.pl' in the ~ldm/util directory (and make sure that this directory is in the PATH of the user running the LDM) and pqact.threddsradar in the ~ldm/etc directory. The actions in pqact.threddsradar are executed by the following line in ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf: # THREDDS radar processing exec "pqact -f NEXRAD2|NEXRAD3 etc/pqact.threddsradar" Please let us know if you have questions about either of these files. Cheers, Tom -- **************************************************************************** Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program (303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000 address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu **************************************************************************** Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: VHO-548969 Department: Support LDM Priority: Normal Status: Closed
Description: Perl program
Description: Binary data