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[LDM #BFX-412130]: LDM in the cloud
- Subject: [LDM #BFX-412130]: LDM in the cloud
- Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 15:13:00 -0600
> The cloud is rather nebulous in my head, too, so I would say that I'm fishing
> for better understanding. Also, certain folks at my university are
> encouraging everyone to consider porting their computational activities to a
> service such as Amazon Web Services, if the same ends can be served with
> lower local hardware and software maintenance costs. So, my fishing
> expedition question to you is a semi-good-faith response to that request.
> Maybe the question should be posed something like this: "Can the LDM be run
> in the context of Amazon Web Services (say), and give us (at my local
> university) access to data comparable to what we do currently get by running
> the LDM on a local server?"
The LDM can probably run "in the cloud" in some sense. The problem comes in
paying for networking. Mike Schmidt looked into this a while back. Cloud
providers can provide very reasonable rates for disk storage and CPU time
because the buy and own the hardware. Because they don't own the networks,
however, a cloud-user must pay the third-party ISP for bandwidth -- and they
appear to be unwilling to lower prices. For something like the LDM, paying for
bandwidth becomes the overriding cost.
> -- Dave
> ************************************************************
> * Dr. Dave Dempsey | ^ ___ \|/ *
> * Dept. of Geosciences | ) ^ /||_||\ --0-- *
> * San Francisco State University | ) ) / ||_|| \ /|\ *
> * 1600 Holloway Ave. | ) ) / ||_|| \ *
> * San Francisco, CA 94132 | ) ) / ||_|| \ ^ *
> * | ) ) )
> ||_|| \ *
> * Phone: (415) 338-7716 | ) ) )~||~||~~~~ \~~*
> * FAX: (415) 338-7705 | ) ) ) ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*
> * Email: address@hidden | ) ) ) ) ) ~ ~ ~ ~ *
> ************************************************************
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: BFX-412130
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Urgent
Status: Closed