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[LDM #UEA-117531]: LDM data feed type recycle request


> We discussed this before.  NOAAport NEXRAD (FT27/NNEXRAD)
> has always been a selected subset of the RPCCDS dataset because NOAAport
> doesn't have the bandwidth to carry the entire set of Level III Radar
> Products.  I believe it would therefore cause confusion to associate the
> RPCCDS with NOAAport by using this reserved LDM Feed-type.  The only
> existing Feed-type as per the URL:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/ldm/ldm-current/basics/feedtypes/
> that matches the Level III RPCCDS is FT15 which we are already using.
> This feed-type is the only one assigned to a commercial company (WSI).  WSI
> is currently getting the radar data from the NWSTG and turn around and
> sends these exact data to
> their customer as FT15.
> I'm sure there are also other feed-types reserved for future use that
> probably won't be used before the next version of LDM is introduced with
> greatly expanded feed-type capabilities.  In the meantime, feed types
> like AFOS will not be used until the next version?

Who's the intended audience for these data-products?  If the data-products
are for internal use only, then you can use any feedtype you want
(including AFOS) and it won't make any difference.  If the data-products
could end up on the Unidata IDD, however, then more consideration is in
order.  Redesignating the AFOS feedtype for this purpose is a possibility,
but we need to know---especially if the data-products are restricted in
some way but could end up on the IDD.

BTW, it's been our experience that very different data-products can 
use the same feedtype without causing confusion if their product-identifiers
are sufficiently different.

> Wilson

Steve Emmerson

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UEA-117531
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: On Hold