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[LDM #RKK-379892]: LDM logging and operation issues
- Subject: [LDM #RKK-379892]: LDM logging and operation issues
- Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 10:49:54 -0600
> My name is Evan and we exchanged some emails recently about a logging issue I
> was having with an LDM machine up here at CSU.
> I am setting up a second Fedora Core 6 Linux LDM and I have two issues I am
> hoping you can help me out with:
> 1) I was having the same problem as the other LDM, no logging. Then I ran
> the series of commands you suggested below as the LDM user:
> cd
> grep LOCAL src/config/ldmconfig.h
> grep -i local /etc/syslog.conf
> ps -ef | grep syslog
> grep SELINUX /etc/selinux/config
> ls -l /etc/selinux/config
> uptime
> ls -l bin/hupsyslog bin/rpc.ldmd
> ls -l logs/ldmd.log
> bin/hupsyslog
> logger -p local0.debug "test of LDM logging using logger"
> ls -l logs/ldmd.log
> Before I run this series of commands, there was no logging. After I run them,
> logging works fine. Can you explain what is going on? I believe it has to do
> with the bin/hupsyslog command. How can I incorporate this into say my
> .bash_profile file to execute on start-up?
The only command that could have done something is the "hupsyslog" command.
All the other commands only read things. The "hupsyslog" command sends
a SIGHUP to the syslog daemon (syslogd) telling it to close all file-
descriptors and reopen them. If the execution of "hupsyslog" caused the
LDM to start logging, then the LDM wasn't started by the "ldmadmin" script
or the "ldmadmin" script couldn't execute the "hupsyslog" command (which
it attempts to do).
Other than ensuring that the "bin/" subdirectory of the LDM-user's home-
directory exists in the LDM-user's PATH, you should need to do anything
else with the LDM-user's profile file. See, however,
> 2) This current LDM is not able to receive data from the other LDM I just
> set-up. Here is the ldmd.log file of the client LDM:
> Jun 29 00:04:09 bou rpc.ldmd[3328] NOTE: Starting Up (version: 6.6.3; built:
> May 16 2007 19:58:04)
> Jun 29 00:04:09 bou rpc.ldmd[3328] NOTE: Using local address
> Jun 29 00:04:09 bou pqact[3330] NOTE: Starting Up
> Jun 29 00:04:09 bou pqact[3330] NOTE: Configuration-file
> "/home/ldm/etc/pqact.conf" has no entries. You should probably not start this
> program instead.
The message from "pqact" about not starting it means that its configuration-
file has no entries. If the LDM on host "bou" is intended for relaying
only, then you should comment-out the startup of "pqact" in the LDM
configuration-file, etc/ldmd.conf. If, however, it's intended to process
data, they you should add entries to the "pqact" configuration-file
("etc/pqact.conf" by default).
> Jun 29 00:04:09 bou[3331] NOTE: Starting Up(6.6.3):
> 20070628230409.040 TS_ENDT {{NEXRAD2, ".*"}}
> Jun 29 00:04:09 bou[3331] NOTE: Previous product-information file
> ".5fb1e97490bb9dc0e457f29aaae017e1.info" doesn't exist
> Jun 29 00:04:09 bou[3331] NOTE: LDM-6 desired product-class:
> 20070628230409.040 TS_ENDT {{NEXRAD2, ".*"}}
> Jun 29 00:04:09 bou pqact[3330] WARN: No such file or directory
> Jun 29 00:04:09 bou pqact[3330] WARN: stateRead(): Couldn't open
> "/home/ldm/etc/pqact.conf.state"
> Jun 29 00:04:09 bou pqact[3330] WARN: Previous-state information doesn't exist
> Jun 29 00:04:29 bou rpc.ldmd[3328] NOTE: Exiting
> Jun 29 00:04:29 bou rpc.ldmd[3328] NOTE: Terminating process group
> Jun 29 00:04:29 bou pqact[3330] NOTE: Exiting
> Jun 29 00:04:29 bou[3331] NOTE: Exiting
> The server LDM logfile contains no entry relating to the client requests.
> Can you help me make sense of this and help me get this LDM working?
The LDM logfile entries from process 3331 relate to data requests. That
downstream LDM process attempted to obtain NEXRAD2 data-products from
host beginning at 2007-06-28 23:04:09.040 and stopping at
the end-of-time. Because the process only ran for 20 seconds, it's
possible that no such data-products were available during that time.
Run the command
notifyme -vl- -f NEXRAD2 -o 3600 -h
on host "bou" as the LDM user to see if it can receive such data and
whether such data exists on the upstream host.
> Thanks again Steve,
> Evan
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RKK-379892
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed