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[IDD #YQV-125472]: Obtain upstream data-feeds

Hi Massoud,

> Name of your site: NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
> LDM administrator:
> Name: Massoud Fazal
> Phone number: 408-795-5254
> Email address: address@hidden
> Hostname of the computer that will run the LDM:
> vams38-p.vams.nasa.gov

DNS for this machine name appears to be lacking:

/home/yoksas% nslookup vams38-p.vams.nasa.gov
Server:  laraine.unidata.ucar.edu

*** laraine.unidata.ucar.edu can't find vams38-p.vams.nasa.gov: Non-existent 

Please work with your network folks to insure that the machine that
will be running the LDM has both forward and reverse name lookup.  This
is required for the LDM.

> LDM feedtypes:
> NMC2
> NCEP model data (e.g., GFS -CONUS and NAM-CONUS)


NLDN - this is a restricted feed; it is only available free-of-charge to
       US universities via point-to-point LDM feeds.  You will not be
       allowed access to this data by its provider, SUNY Albany

FNMOC - this is available by point-to-point feeds from FNMOC.  We will
       provide you with the necessary contact information for you to
       use to request the feed in a subsequent email

NMC2  - this is more widely known as CONDUIT.  Please be aware that the
       average volume in the CONDUIT feed is approx. 2 GB/hour.  Peaks
       exceed 4 GB/hour (you can requests subsets of the data, of course)

WSI   - this is a point-to-point feed for NEXRAD Level III products and
       composites from WSI Corporation, and it is not free.  You can
       get the NOAAPORT-broadcast Level III products in the NNEXRAD
       feed for no cost.  You can also get Unidata-created national composites
       of Level III data (sent in GINI format) in the FNEXRAD feed.

As soon as you download and install the LDM, we will provide you with
the information for accessing these feeds.

Even though the build process for the LDM is well documented in our LDM
website, here is a shortened ABC of what to do:

1) create an 'ldm' account on a Unix or Linux machine.  Windows is not a 
   platform for the LDM.

2) login as 'ldm'

3) download the current LDM distribution:

<as 'ldm'>
cd ~ldm
ftp ftp.unidata.ucar.edu
  <user> anonymous
  <pass> address@hidden  <- we would rather you use your NASA/Ames email address
  cd pub/ldm
  get ldm-6.6.4.tar.Z

zcat ldm-6.6.4.tar.Z | tar xvf -
cd ldm-6.6.4/src
make install
sudo make install_setuids

cd ~ldm
ln -s ldm-6.6.4 runtime
ln -s runtime/* .

That is it for building the LDM.  You need to attend to configuring 
/etc/rpc, and /etc/services as per the LDM web page instructions.

Please let us know when you have completed these steps; we will then
provide you the fully qualified hostnames of machines you can feed from.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: YQV-125472
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Open