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[LDM #UKU-190526]: LDM - PIPE usage in pqact.conf and bash scripts
- Subject: [LDM #UKU-190526]: LDM - PIPE usage in pqact.conf and bash scripts
- Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 07:41:24 -0600
Hi Mike,
re: what is Industrial Weather
Industrial Weather sounds like a great opportunity for the faculty
you mention AND the students. In many ways your effort is like what
is being done at the Universidade de Sao Paulo where all of the students
in the Atmospheric Science department get involved in all aspects
related to the department's compute clusters, website, etc. in addition
to doing their research. The hands-on experience these students get
makes them highly sought after when they graduate (companies are lined
up with job offers). It also provides the department with continuity
in support of the various pieces of computing/web/research. One of the
problems we have observed at universities over the years is that a
student will become very interested in the various Unidata applications
being used while an undergraduate; learn how to keep things running
and be of use to others in the department; and then graduate. The
result is that there is then nobody left who understands what was being
done or how things work/should work. Getting a group of students interested
and encouraging them to train new devotees as older ones graduate creates
a continuum of expertise that all benefit from. This keeps the department
from having to relearn how to setup applications and keep them running, a
very good thing from our point of view.
I hope that your Industrial Weather setup allows students to get experience
in the maintenance of your website (including worrying about security).
That could be incredibly valuable to them in their chosen career.
Again, thanks for the information. It is always gratifying to learn of
the interesting things our sites are involved in!
> Anyway, that's my "elevator speech" for the day!
Good elevator speech!
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UKU-190526
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed