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[LDM #UKU-190526]: LDM - PIPE usage in pqact.conf and bash scripts
- Subject: [LDM #UKU-190526]: LDM - PIPE usage in pqact.conf and bash scripts
- Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 21:32:31 -0600
Hi Mike,
> As you can see by the attached log file, I plainly misunderstand the
> use of the PIPE command in pqact.conf. I certainly thought I did
> understand, but nope, guess not.
> The bash script I'm attempting to use simply gunzips the incoming
> product stream the uses andx to save a file of selected fields from the
> data product. From that point I can use the data for further
> analysis.
I am unfamiliar with 'andx'. Is this 'Arm Netcdf Data eXtract' as described
> Can you make some suggestions regarding the process used to accomplish
> my simple task?
Your current 'expand_and_dump.sh' script is:
# This small script simply unzips and incoming data product, extracts fields
used for wx/net, then writes the result to a file.
# This file will be used as input into a MySQL database.
gunzip > ~/MADIS_data/utilities/andx -c sfc_cfg
I think you want to pipe the output of gunzip to ~/MADIS_data/utilities/andx,
If yes, I would be explicit in telling gunzip to write its output to
STDOUT (just good style) and replace '>' with '|':
gunzip -c | ~/MADIS_data/utilities/andx -c sfc_cfg
However, after (quickly) reading the 'andx' web page above, I am left with
the impression that 'andx' reads data from a disk file, not STDIN (this makes
sense since a netCDF is a random-access file). If this really is the case,
it seems like your script should read:
gunzip -c > $1
~/MADIS_data/utilities/andx $1 -c sfc_cfg
NB: this pre-supposes that the directory hierarchy in which the output
file is to be written exists. If it doesn't, or if you are unsure if
it does, you could be more explicit in the creation of the directory(ies):
# Create directory structure
fname=`basename $1`
dirs=`echo $1 | sed s/$fname//`
mkdir -p $dirs
# Uncompress the input file and use 'andx' to extract values
gunzip -c > $1
~/MADIS_data/utilities/andx $1 -c sfc_cfg
# Done
The inclusion of the directory creation step would make your script
look a lot like one I wrote for LDM use, ldmfile.sh:
# Name: ldmfile.sh
# Purpose: file a LDM product and log the receipt of the product
# Note: modify the 'LOG' file to suit your needs
# History: 20030815 - Created for Zlib-compressed GINI image filing
export SHELL
# Set log file
exec >>$LOG 2>&1
# Create directory structure
fname=`basename $1`
dirs=`echo $1 | sed s/$fname//`
mkdir -p $dirs
# Write stdin to the designated file and log its filing
echo `date -u +'%b %d %T'` `basename $0`\[$$\]: FILE $1
cat > $1
# Done
exit 0
> Thanks again.
No worries.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UKU-190526
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed