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[LDM #UGB-524529]: No LDM server running?


> echo $HOME
> /home/ldm
> -----------------------------------------
> pwd
> /home/ldm
> ---------------------------------------------------
> grep LOG_LDM src/config/ldmconfig.h
> #define LOG_LDM LOG_LOCAL0

Having the LOG_LDM macro use "local0" rather than "local3" for
which your /etc/syslog.conf file is configured will cause problems when
the LDM attempts to log.  Once we get the logging problem solved,
you'll either have to reconfigure the LDM to use "local3" or change
the "local3" entries in /etc/syslog.conf to "local0".

> -----------------------------------------------------
> bin/hupsyslog
> (Command executes, but with no output)
> -------------------------------------------------------
> logger -p local3.info test
> (Same as above)
> -------------------------------------------------------
> head logs/ldmd.log
> (Outputs a blank line)

I think I know what the problem is.  Fedora Core 3 has something called
SELINUX, which adds additional policy on top of the standard UNIX
permissions.  Look at the file /etc/selinux/config.  In order for LDM
logging to work, the variable SELINUX must be set to "disabled".  If it
isn't, then make it so and reboot (yes, reboot) your computer.  Logging
should then work (try the "logger" command).  Let me know.

Steve Emmerson

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UGB-524529
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed