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[LDM #AIJ-565581]: pqexpire question
- Subject: [LDM #AIJ-565581]: pqexpire question
- Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 11:37:39 -0600
Hi Gerry,
> I seem to recall a caveat to not use pqexpire.
There is no need to use pqexpire in LDM-6. One can run it, but it
is not needed. Give this, we typically advise sites to comment out
its invocation in their ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf file. One big reason for
commenting out its invication is it will cause the LDM to exit if
it exits uncleanly for any reason (as will any process in the LDM
process group: one unclean exit informs the top level rpc.ldmd routine
and it exits after sending a SIGINT signal to all of its children).
> A bunch of the SCOOP
> folks have discovered it and are using it liberally. Can you refresh my
> memory?
I recommend that they comment out pqexpire from their ldmd.conf files
and restart their LDMs.
> How was the GOES conf?
It was very good this year in terms of networking with people I needed
to see. As far as the conference contents, there was not a lot new
from last year.
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: AIJ-565581
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed