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20060303: LDM statistics
- Subject: 20060303: LDM statistics
- Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 14:36:13 -0700
>From: address@hidden
>Organization: TAMU
>Keywords: 200603031900.k23J0fP5013121 IDD participation
>> Where can I get statistics such as
>> *** What is the rate that a user from a new* domain joins the IDD topology
>> irrespective of any data type it wants ?
We do not maintain this kind of statistic. The main reason for this is
that participation in the IDD is something that grows slowly over time,
not rapidly. A guesstimate would be that a new site is added to the
IDD (including IDD-Brasil, IDD-Caribe, and Antarctic-IDD) once every
month. This should not be taken too literally since participation in
the IDD is more or less static while participation in the IDD-Brasil is
expected to grow in the coming months. As far as sites adopting the
LDM for use in their own private IDD, we have no way of tracking this.
>> *** What is the rate that a user goes down for scheduled maintenance in
>> the IDD topology irrespective of the data type it is receiving or sending
>> ?
We do not maintain that kind of statistic either. From our point of
view, the important metric is if data is available to a user not if the
user is incapable of getting data because they are down for some
reason. The analogy of the electic company is most valid here: it is
important that the service is available 24x7; it is not important -- to
the power company -- that a particular user's home circuit breaker
kicked and they can't get electricity.
>> *** What is the rate that a user fails or dies ?
We do not track that either. We would only know of a problem a user
is having if they decide to report it to us. They may not do this
since their being down does not necessarily affect anyone else. If
an IDD relay node goes down, however, we do want to know this so
we can help users they are feeding failover to a different feed site.
The rate that a relay fails is very small, say on the order of
twice per year at most.
>> The units for the rate I am expecting would be like one user per week or
>> per day.
IDD participation increases are currently more like one new site (domain)
per month.
>> I would really appreciate if you can direct me to the statistics, or if
>> there are no statistics, can you provide me with a rough estimate ?
What are you collecting these numbers for?
>From address@hidden Fri Mar 3 15:07:03 2006
Hi Tom,
Thank you so much for your reply.
I am a Masters Computer Science student at Texas A and M University and I
am working under Gerry Creager on his projects. My Masters thesis deals
with improving the LDM, basically dealing with IDD topology and the
control messages that one LDM server sends to another. I am trying to
introduce overlay multicast fundamentals and also automation (topology
change automation) in the LDM and the IDD. I am right now designing
algorithms for the same. While designning these algorithms, I was unsure
as to how much weightage I should give to scalability, fault tolerance,
fairness, etc, because there are always tradeoffs that i have to consider.
I really appreciate your efforts to help me.