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[LDM #UEF-429372]: LDM - pqinsert error
- Subject: [LDM #UEF-429372]: LDM - pqinsert error
- Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2006 13:52:57 -0700
> Institution: National Weather Service
> Package Version: 6.4.4
> Operating System: RHEL WS Ver. 4u2
> Hardware Information: Dual Xeon 3.0GHZ with 3GB DDR
> Inquiry: I am attempting to ldm a series of images to multiple sites (GIF).
> My image sizes vary 1KB to 35KB and I receive the following error from some
> of the smaller gif images (Seems to be an MD5 Sum Error)
> pqinsert ERROR: Product already in queue: 8a9f53fd4c568dcda50a353adf929f84
> 1798 20060202191503.218 EXP 000
> /data2/www/html/ridge/Warnings/Long/FWS/FWS_20060202_1805_Long_Warnings.gif
> I get this error even though the files are physically different.
The files might be physically different, but the data they contain are
identical. This is why the product-queue is rejecting the insertion.
pqinsert(1) computes an MD5 checksum for the data-portion of every
data-product. If two data-products have the same MD5 checksum, then the odds
of them having different data is about 1:2^128, against.
If the data-products are distinct, then they should have different MD5
checksums. For example, you could add a timestamp to the data to indicate when
it was observed. A simple counter or filename would also suffice -- anything
that would make the data different.
Having different product-identifiers (i.e., filename) isn't enough because
product-identifiers are used by the LDM system but not, in general, by decoders
of the data. They must be able to recognize data-products from the data itself
and not rely on the product-identifier.
> Is there a way to force pqinsert to create a new value so that the image can
> be sent through the ldm stream. If I purge the queue and send this file
> first it works, but when I send the next file it says it is already in the
> queueu.
You could run pqexpire(1) on the queue, but that really won't help because the
the downstream LDM will also reject data-products that have identical MD5
> Thank you for your time,
> Paul Kirkwood
Steve Emmerson
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UEF-429372
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed