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[NCEP.List.Jifmemo] jif_memo_060120 (fwd)
- Subject: [NCEP.List.Jifmemo] jif_memo_060120 (fwd)
- Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 08:39:17 -0700
In case you missed this, check out #3.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Friday, January 20, 2006 12:50 PM -0500
From: John Ward <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: [NCEP.List.Jifmemo] jif_memo_060120
January 13, 2006
MEMORANDUM FOR: Distribution E
FROM: John H. Ward
Chief, Production Management Branch
Subject: Changes to the NWS Production Suite
1. NCEP Central Operations (NCO) has migrated to a new JIF server. The name
of the
new system is pmbops.ncep.noaa.gov. Users are now only able to submit and view
JIF's from the pmbops web site. There is no need for user to re-register their
2. The NWS Telecommunications Operations Center (TOC) is currently under a
moratorium on changes to operational data flow, while they replace their legacy
mainframe system and the Andrews File System (AFS). During the moratorium no
NCEP model data will be added to TOC FTP server (tgftp.nws.noaa.gov), AWIPS, or
NOAAPORT. Limited resources on the NCEP FTP server (ftpprd.ncep.noaa.gov) will
permit it to be utilized as an interim source of new data during the
The moratorium is expected to last through March 2006.
3. The operational LDM software on Blue production will be upgraded from
6.0.15 to on 23 January 2006. The same upgrade will occur on White
Production on 6 February 2006. This version has been running in development
mode on
Blue without issue since 16 November 2005.
4. Maintenance of subscriptions to the JIF memo mailing list can be performed
via a
new list server at:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The following crisis items were implemented this past week:
28. FIXED FIELDS - IBM Jobs NAH and WNA wave models. (Tolman, NP21). This
program defines the model point output locations. The program has been
modified to
relocate the output point for buoy 42057. Done at 12Z on 6 January.
29. RADIATION SOURCE - IBM Job sref_wrffcst. (Du, NP2). This program is
radiation calculation code for the WRF_nmm model in SREF. The program has been
modified to add logic to prevent downward surface solar insolation and shortwave
potential temperature tendencies from being overwritten when running the GFDL
shortwave radiation. Done at 12Z on 10 January.
30. CUMULUS SOURCE - IBM Job sref_wrffcst. (Du, NP2). This is BMJ cumulus
paramerization code for the WRF_nmm model in SREF. The program has been
modified to
comment out 3 lines of code that inadvertently resulted in bypassing all of the
shallow convection code. Done at 12Z on 10 January.
31. SCRIPT - IBM Job jdecode_bkup. (Cooke, NP11). Script
creates an archive of DBNet, LDM, and several observational data directories
day to HPSS. The script has been modified to reduce the number of LDM logs
archived (from four to one day worth) and logic was added to archive to HSM if
is unavailable. Done at 13Z on 11 January.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The following items will be implemented at 12Z on Tuesday, 17 January:
32. DATA FILE - IBM Jobs wave_global_prep_00, 06, 12, and 18. (Chen, NP21).
This data file contains a list of the fixed buoys used for the data
assimilation of
the operational, global NWW3 model. It is being modified to add several new
to this data file.
33. SCRIPT - IBM Job JRW2. (Lilly, NP12). Script expltpgm2.sh uses
precipitation and snow amount from the North American land synoptic, METAR and
supplementary climatologically station reports to generate the 6 hour and 24
precipitation and snow cover graphics. The script is being modified to convert
NCEP's internal graphics to PCL format and to restore the 06Z, 12Z and 18Z 6
precipitation graphics. These charts are used by HPC forecasters in support of
operational forecasts.
34. SCRIPT - IBM Job JRW2. (Lilly, NP12). New script reducemap.sh decodes
6-bit packed graphics into raster format, reduces the size of the FAX cut and
converts the product into pcl format.
35. NAM12_ARL - IBM Job JHYSPT_NAM12K_PREP. (Manikin, NP22). This program
converts NAM model grid 218 output to the ARL packed format for use in the
model. The program is being modified to replace the 00-hour NAM precipitation
fields with the 6-hour forecast from the previous cycle.
36. LIBRARY - Many IBM Jobs. (Gordon, NP11). The NCEP GRIB2 library
several routines for encoding and decoding GRIB2 data sets. The params.f
routine is
being updated to add additional parameters lists to allow for the conversion of
GRIB1 data sets into GRIB2 format and vice versa.
37. CNVGRIB - Many IBM Jobs. (Gordon, NP11). This program is used to
data sets from GRIB1 to GRIB2, GRIB2 to GRIB1, and GRIB2 to GRIB2 formats. It
been modified to allow for a new argument "-nv" that will force vector
quantities to
be output in individual GRIB messages instead of in a single GRIB message which
the default.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The following data flow crisis item was implemented this past week:
38. DATAFLOW - Systems CCS, DMZNAS. (Gordon, NP11). The parsing table
actions to take in response to an alert. The SCP table defines data types to
to remote servers. Both files have been updated on the CCS to push WRF
data sets to DMZNAS. Done at 18Z on 11 January.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The following data flow item will be implemented at 12Z on Wednesday, 18
39. DATAFLOW ? Systems tgsv9/9b/10/11. (Freeman, NP11). Big Brother runs
TOC hosts to report data transfer errors. The data are being modified to add a
script to check for transfer errors and report status in xfer column.
NCEP.List.Jifmemo mailing list
---------- End Forwarded Message ----------
Linda Miller - address@hidden
Community Services, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690